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RE: Peachy!

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Once again, top shelf commentary.

I do have my finances secure, thank you. I'm 100% out of my 401k and moved 60/40 to Roth IRA/Bonds. My other three Union pensions are not tied to the stock market. They work like a pyramid just like SSI. Keep the info comin my dude.

Check this out, I can't make this shit up. Do you think people will believe anything they hear on the TV like cover your face or don't cover your face and then run around regurgitating their cut off heads like chickens screaming "cover your face!!!" "Don't cover your face!!!"

They will.

For more than 50 years this fuck Weinstein / Epstein doctor pervert had people shoving butt plugs in their ass to "cure all mental illnesses" including, but not limited to, insomnia and indigestion.


Can't eat? Fuck yourself to an appetite!
Can't sleep? Fuck yourself to bed!


Sad thing is...

When the real zombie apocalyps comes, (viral or bitten) an untrusted media will sound the alarm...

And we will all laugh

Just ask Rick...

Ricks not laughing.


 3 years ago  

If the covid intention was to get me to call bullshit on everything I hear and believe nothing they tell me then mission accomplished.