Out of the seven(7) days of the week, weekends are my most favorites. They are the days I just can't stop looking forward to since I see them as resting and fun days. I've always wished weekends can be longer, unfortunately, my wishes can never come to pass.
I've never for once sat down to imagine how I want my ideal weekend to be. I've always seen myself going with the flow and not even having any plans for it. All I ever look forward to in my weekends is just to relax and have fun. Sadly, my weekends have always been the same except on days I get invited for a ceremony.
My idea of an ideal weekend isn't all about going to club and drinking to my heart content. My idea of an ideal weekend is all about spending quality time with my friends, family, and loved ones. It's all about having the freedom to wake up at anytime I want to wake up and do whatever I want to do without thinking of work.Thanks to @galenkp for this wonderful opportunity since I'll now have to start imagining how I want my ideal weekend to be and then start planing towards accomplishing that.
I've always seen weekends as resting days but where on earth did we get the idea that weekends are for tidying up our houses and doing our laundries? I do see people every weekend doing all these stuffs, and I keep wondering if they were not opportuned to do these things during the week, perhaps because of their work.
I don't want my weekends to be stressful at all, and so I always create time to do these chores during the week, so they wouldn't stand in my way of me having an ideal weekend.
At a marriage ceremony last Saturday
It's always exciting whenever I'm invited for a ceremony (especially marriages). I kind of hate going to funerals but most times I won't have any option but to attend. Marriages are my thing and I don't see myself not having fun in any of the marriages I attend.
Most times I do wish I'm the one getting married especially when I see these couples taking their vows. I know mine will come someday, it's just that I can't wait for it to come faster. It's so unfortunate that I'm still waiting for the right person.. 😂..
For the weekends I don't go for ceremonies, I often visit the beach or go for a picnic with my family or with my friends. Its always fun when you spend time with your loved ones and friends. It typically makes the family/friendship bond stronger.
Another thing I don't joke with when it comes to my weekends is my game time. What do I mean? I'm a big fan of Manchester United and so, I always leave everything I'm doing just to make sure I watch their game. Watching the game makes me happy and fulfilled...
I don't know how to explain this, but I feel satisfied whenever I watch a football game. That's why it's always boring sometimes when there are no matches because of international breaks or whenever the season is over.
My weekend can never be complete without my worship to the creator. Sunday has been set aside to worship God in truth and in spirit, and so, on Sunday morning, I will wake up early, so I won't be late for the worship of that day.
After Church Service
There is this joy I feel within me every time I am in the presence of God and in the midst of my brethren. Even without any other thing, my worship to God alone makes my weekend perfect.
After worship, I'll go out with friends to have a nice time in a fast food restaurant instead of going back home to sleep. I don't always eat before going for service and because of that, I'm always hungry after the worship. Going to the restaurant is the surest way for me to quench my hunger.
With my sister @zonniasparkle
I'm a movie freak and I always don't like missing most movies that are premiering. The cinema is always the next stop for me after eating, and since it's always a fun way for me to ease out the stress of the past week and to also prepare for the stress of the new week, the cinema is a must for me every weekend.
To make my weekend sublime, I'll end it by going to a mini bar with live musicians where I will cool myself down with a cold beer and with either a goat meat or fresh fish pepper soup, Nkwobi, or a Barbecue. Over time, this has been a very good way for me to relax.
I have noticed that whenever I relax this way, I always wake up the next morning stronger and set to start the new week. Have you actually tried this before? If you haven't, give it a try. I'll be making patiently for your feedback.
I only just want my ideal weekend to be stress-free, fun, and exciting. Hope I'm not asking for too much?
This is my entry for the weekend community posting contest. To participate, Click HERE to know more.
Thanks for reading.
This has been my perception of weekends most in my early life until I went to work on the roads, and was on-call 24/7 for emergencies; I spent many many days working my weekends day or night to open roads that were closed due to floods, mudslides, snow, trees and power lines down or any other impedence to people going places in their cars. I loved that job more than my weekends lol.
"I'll be making patiently for your feedback." should that be "waiting patiently?" lol
This post was obtained through Dreemport.Most excellent article detailing the actual perception of most people for their weekends @davidbright, even though a lot of people do do things around the house for their weekends to catch up for what they cannot do during the week.
Waiting patiently should be the right one.. Lol.. But I really don't see any question I will be responding to here though...
But do you really have time for yourself since your weekends are also occupied.. When do you do the laundries and all?
Putting that correction in question form was my way of asking you if that is what you meant, not stating you have made an error lol.
I had dedicated my life to the people, and keeping the roads open and cleaned off day or night, it didn't matter to me, and it was actually an extremely pleasurable career.
I am married, @davidbright, and have been for 45 years, so my wife took care of that and still does.
Wow.. That's really a long time of marriage. Guess she is doing such a a good job. Please my regards to her.. May the Almighty continue to give you the strength to help keep the roads opened and cleared off.. All the best as you continue to do this..
You are spending your life wisely. I also want to have a rest but school days are stressful. Rest is important to everyone. Don't overwork yourself 😉
Rest is very important...I'm glad you know this and so, even with the school stress, u can always create time for rest.