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RE: Childsplay

My county has 39 people per square kilometre apparently. Low density indeed.
I remember getting detention once when Mrs McNamara told me I'd made no effort at all to which I retorted 'that makes 2 of us then.' I don't think she quite understood the word 'teacher'. My English teacher Mrs. O'Neill was a good egg though and was the one who insisted I apply for college despite my objections that there was no way I could afford the fees.
If times get tough my plan is to leave the veggies and eggs outside the gate for all comers, though the truth is we don't get that many passersby. I live in a cattle farming county and nobody seems to grow any vegetables or keep chickens.I thought I'd be tripping over veggies in the street when I came to live in the country.


'that makes 2 of us then.'

My son used to talk to his teachers like that. It did not go over well. The students all adored him, but his teachers? Not so much. You have always been one to see intents clearly, and to speak your intuitions. Luckily for us, you managed to survive public schooling with those skills intact.

I own some prop in dairy country, and it's the same there, nothing but corn for miles and miles on end. Luckily there is a small Mennonite community (I love upstate NY for this - I know there is are communities all over, that many people will be reluctant to go into, that will gladly supply all my needs. I worry very much about others during this coming year, but, unless robbing home gardens, in order to eat, becomes a necessity for some, I should have more than the equivalent of one egg and one carrot a day. I see myself giving veggies to those around me so they keep mum about what I have, and so that they will decide to start planting some of their own. I agree starvation in western countries is likely coming, and probably this year. We'll find out just how many of us have removed ourselves from the slave paradigm, and perhaps learn that we all have more ingenuity and skills than we think.

As for my medical kit, I'm accumulating a massive homeopathic remedy collection, and learning all that I can about it. Homeopathy is freaking astounding! Better than
Tesla machines and enemas, much! I've long worried about what services I could barter when the the dollar fails to be worth anything, and takes all western currency down with it.

Homeopathy is my new vocation. I will be able to help sick people for very little cost, when the medical services crash along with everything else - good news there if you ask me. Other people can stock up on bandaids and pharmaceuticals. I'm out. I hardly ever use any of those things, including bandaids. I'm sure I have plenty of those. My bug out bag has a few remedy kits in it, some cash and some gold. Maybe I'll throw in some bandaids. But I expect to shelter in place, whatever does come. And just carry on doing what I am doing now. We'll see! It's kind of exciting.

You have much the same survival plan as I do, though we're sorely lacking in Mennonite Communities around these parts. My medical kit is full of bandaids, bandages, zeolite, bentonite clay and stuff to pack wounds. You need it, let me tell you, when you live on a slate quarry. Slate is treacherous stuff. And don't dis the Tesla! It's wonderful for curing strains and sprains.

It's wonderful for curing strains and sprains.

So are Arnica, Ruta, and Rhus. Only costs about $20 bucks, too.

Do you have one, a Tesla machine? I didn't mean to dis it. I do imagine using the machine for arthritis, but I haven't yet tried the homeopathic protocol for that. Idk why, it's my chief complaint. Hm. Maybe today is the day.

I can't remember the last time I needed a bandaid. I have them in the house of course. I would have difficulty dressing a gunshot wound, but I believe I could treat any infection arising from one.

Here, stones are nicely rounded.

Yes, I do have a reconditioned original Tesla that I use a few times a week. It's probably all in my head but I feel it gives me great energy and strength. When I had the arthritis in my back I used it daily along with the DMSO, so I'm not sure what it was the cured me.
I thought you had the arthritis under control after following Andy's advice.

It's much better, especially when I cut out alcohol and sugar. which I did/do because of his advice. I never cracked the tamper-proof seals on the castor oil and turpentine I got. Arthritis doesn't really bother me much anymore, mostly in my thumbs but recently in my hip. That one is worrisome. I think Tesla would be good for that. I tried DMSO on my thumbs for a few weeks, and it didn't seem to do anything.

A few weeks? It took almost 6 months to cure the arthritis in my back and I was very consistent, twice a day every day. Before we got the Tesla my brother had trouble with his knees but after a few weeks of using it he's had no further far.