
I consider you a genius of many sorts, so there's that. You have always chosen to live in peculiar paradigms, all your glorious own. It's very daring! I wanna be you! I did the conventional paradigm thing right up until 2014, which is when I started thinking something was not right. Since then the world's dominant paradigm has devolved into one so simple IT CANNOT BE TRUE. Yet billions live in that particular video game. Now I am struggling to get into a different video game, one that is not a side chain of the dominant CLEARLY INSANE view of reality. Crazy times!

You've got your game on, and always have.

Well you can't do much better than grow your own food, learn homeopathy and whatever the state tells you do the opposite. Who knows what they're going to throw at us? We'll have to learn on the hoof, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The only thing I'm not sure of is if I've chosen the right country to do it in. Europe is going down the tubes fast but I'm reluctant to move again.

I've thought it was time to stand your ground for a few years now. If everyone who is onto the ruse moves to a "safer" country, who will be around to fight? That said, I am working on getting property in Tennessee, which, so far, is doing good stuff, such as vaccine freedom and prohibition of chemtrails. I have two properties in New York State, which is probably very dangerous, but both counties have sheriffs that have declared themselves to be constitutional sheriffs, which means they will not enforce unconstitutional laws, mandates, regulations. Both places do, however, take whatever money they can get from the government, which always comes with strings. We'll see. On your toes!