Truth will out.

in Weekend Experiences11 days ago (edited)

Would you give away this adorable baby?

When I was a few months old, while my father was away in England, my (unmarried) mother put me up for adoption. As the story goes, I was in the process of being adopted by a doctor and his wife when my father arrived back and intervened, something I held against him ever after.

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A would-be boy soprano?

Despite this ignominious start, I was a joyful child who loved to sing and, at six years old, was a choir member at St Kevin’s church on Harcourt Street, Dublin. After hearing Aled Jones sing ‘Walking in the air’, I was determined to be a boy soprano, but my dreams were dashed by blatant sexism. Identifying as a boy didn’t wash in the 1960s

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Would you employ this woman?

More than a decade later, I was almost 18, in my first year of college and on midterm break. The family was broke, and our house was on the verge of bank repossession. Back then, students unable to find holiday work during midterm break were allowed to collect unemployment benefits, so I applied. Following an interview, my application was refused because my Punk appearance made me unemployable.

Outraged, I wrote to Proinsias De Rossa, my local Sinn Fein (political) representative, putting a cancelled stamp on the envelope. I was broke after all. He contacted me to say I owed him tenpence for the stamp and, impressed with my audacity, he intervened with the Department of (un)Employment, so I got my dole.

Before you attempt to separate truth from fiction, dear reader, I will confess to being a consummate liar who has fibbed to doctors, lawyers, judges, police persons, and especially the taxman, all without being discovered—or maybe I'm not!


Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt to ' write two truths about yourself and one lie but don't tell us which one is the lie'


I can see most of this as possibly true for you, but I'm going with the "choir boy" bit as the lie. The song was written in the 80's, when you were somewhere near thirty years old.

Hahaha Columbo, there's no getting anything past you! I used that song for exactly that reason. Well done to you. The story is partly true in that I was in the choir and I did want to be a boy because they didn't have to cover their heads in church, something I thought terribly unfair.

You were in a choir - I cannot see that. Good little deirdyweirdy conforming?! Wouldn't you have had to wear white? With parents like yours?! One of them actually got you there? The boy part I get.

I lived part time with my aunt Maud who was very religious. Besides, I'd do anything to get out of the house. I also joined the girl guides and Irish dancing classes.

Ok - this one was easy for me because I can recall when Aled Jones burst on the scenes in 1985. His beautiful song was literally every where. Therefore, the lie is your gender bending aspirations to be a boy soprano.

Your life was certainly “interesting” for lack of a better word. However, luckily the drama at the start of it would not have been known to you until later. You were such a cute baby.

You are really fearless - that stamp story and the fact that you thought of using an old stamp is amazing. However, wouldn’t the post office have sent you the card to pay the 10p and not the Sinn Fein representative? That’s how it worked in England anyway. It’s great that representative helped you to get the dole.

Well spotted! The stamp story is entirely true. The system here was if the recipient agreed to pay, the delivery would be made. I always used what we referred to as 'bum' stamps, my mail always arrived and Sinn Fein were they only ones who ever complained to me that they were charged. And I was indeed a cute baby!:)

😀 Haha now I know. Maybe in my case the recipient refused to pay. Sinn Fein were probably watching their budget. 😀

Maybe the stamp thing is not real? And you just went back with a baseball bat in the employment office? 🤣

No, the stamp story is fact. I always try the nonviolent option first, then I get out the baseball bat!

I think you broke the rules...All true, am I right?

You know me too well Mr. G! There's a grain of truth in all of them, but I never break rules, only bend them, so only 2 of them are entirely true.

Hmm, now I'm not sure which. You're sneaky.

Sneaky? I prefer stealthy!

Oh yeah, that's the a ninja. @ninjydeirdyweirdy

There's too much here to dissemble. But since so much of it seems like you, perhaps or the adoption story that's malarkey?

The adoption story is true, or so my father told me, and you could never believe a word he said. One of his favourite retorts if asked any question was 'ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies'

So what's the lie then? Ah dammit I asked the question. I'm never gonna get a straight answer!

Hahaha, the boy soprano was the lie, though I was in a choir and did have ambitions to grow up to be a man:)

I don't believe you....😂

my dreams were dashed by blatant sexism

It's all so, so wrong!

🙃 You've got that right!