A woman's struggle is a man's weakness.

There are six-weekend concepts to choose from this week, and I chose the third one on the list, which is the for the men, and states the following question,

If there was one personality trait you were able to change in women, what would it be and why? This can be women generally or specifically your own partner. A post of 300+ words is the minimum requirement, and use photos you took yourself if you can.

I cannot describe how important women are in society, especially in a man’s life. They are one of the reasons we continue to exist and gave birth to a new seed of life. Their value as individuals is too great not to notice, given the fact that they are gaining more freedom than in previous eras. However, men and women are not perfect beings. We still have flaws and imperfections that make us human.

I am with my younger sister, who will turn 18 this year.

If there is one personality trait I would like to change for women, it would be their struggle to express themselves clearly. Our expression is our way of showing what we feel and think. But not all the time, it is interpreted the way we want it to be interpreted because we all have different reasoning, cultures, and environments where we grew up.

Thus, I see some women truly struggling to say what they really want to say and convey. They tend to say nonsensical things that are way too far from their objective. That is why whoever they are talking to has difficulty understanding it. Especially when women argue, men don’t know what they want or what they are after. So, we, as men, tend to take unnecessary actions that fire up the problem even more.

My two longtime girl friends, Han and Rish.

I’ve had plenty of girl friends, and I've experienced their struggle to express themselves, especially when the issue is large and they are involved. Unlike men, we can straightforwardly express and deliver the message we want to convey. No flowery words or zigzag points that make the person confused.

However, the problem doesn’t only concern the people around them; it concerns them as well. In any case, because they are struggling, they choose not to speak directly, which I think ripples into another problem. It’s like they are holding back their true opinion and agenda. The sad part is that because of their suppression, it creates manipulative behavior wherein they tend to believe their opinion is not necessary anymore because it’ll be misinterpreted again.

I don’t understand why women feel great pressure to cover up their true emotions. It’s like a burden that keeps piling up until it’s too much to handle. They tend to break down and be lost. What I mean is that there is a never-ending cycle of struggling to express themselves. Losing yourself from that cycle will not be easy, but I know for sure that some women have full access to their true selves.

Gen, my friend, who has become my coding buddy since the first year.

So, for women who constantly have difficulty expressing themselves, if your first application failed. Then, you can change your attitude and plan to resolve it once again. But also, I want you to know that being a woman and your existence is enough for us, men, to understand you whole. You don't need to change just because we tell you so, change because you know that change will help to make you grow as a person.

The idea of changing one’s personality trait may take a while because it’s something that cannot be changed overnight. I would like to argue that a change can happen successfully when people have a higher awareness of themselves and are willing to do so. That is also a way for self-improvement and create a better version of yourself by undergoing process after process.


Women's psychology is one of the most difficult things to understand and it can be a confusing one for a man. The most interesting thing about them is they can express their emotion also without saying any words just by their expression.

That's true. For sure this is because of their nature and we cannot do something about it. All we can do is that accept and understand them, especially our partners.

Many people see woman as very complex beings but that's not it. Sometimes, women hold back their emotions just because they assume that the men should be able to interpret everything. It's just an unending cycle but proper communication can break this cycle.

They may be complex beings but we can still decipher their nature. Yeah, I think proper communication can ease or even break the cycle of miscommunication and misunderstanding. Love your response.

Thus, I see some women truly struggling to say what they really want to say and convey.

Wahaha. I remember so many instances. It is like we have split personality 🤣

That's right, Ji. Sometimes because of it, couples split up. hahaha.

Greetings @dennnmarc

Wow, I think you have described it in the clearest and best possible way. And let me tell you that you are right. At least in my particular case, I feel very identified with this point you write. Like everything in life, sometimes we need the observation of others to improve. So thank you for that. I'm glad I read your post 💫

Oh my gosh! I'm glad that I help you with a small thing like this. I wrote what I just observed from my friends and family. Well, they are definitely hard to understand but bearable. Lol! Let us just keep improving!

Many times we silence our thoughts or expressions out of fear or anger at not being heard and understood, many times it is frustrating for us to express ourselves and that we are not taken into account for the fact of being a woman, unfortunately there is what is called machismo and we live it so closely that this is one of the reasons why we do not express ourselves clearly.

I really liked what you say:

You don't need to change just because we tell you to, change because you know that this change will help you grow as a person.

You're right about that, besides you have a nice way of expressing yourself, excellent post, greetings 🤗

Yeah, that's what I heard and observed as well. It's difficult when you suppress and bottle your thoughts. They are like screaming in your head non-stop and will force you to express something way different. Thanks so much, @marlynmont.

You are right brother, women are great creatures, women are strong mentally and heart, they are the ones who can change men for the better.

Yes, but of course, that change also depends on the situation we are in. We are constantly changing and that change is a sign of good growth.