Maybe, truly, unplanned moments makes the best moments

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Today is just one of those days that I woke up totally unsure of what I’ll be doing and just leaving everything to fate. I had a class in the morning and we were supposed to write a test. I made it to the class amidst the terrible weather but the class got cancelled.
I hung around to wait for my friends as they wanted to take part in the faculty’s election.
While waiting, I got a text from a friend, a fellow school mate who suggested we meet up briefly. Since I was idle, I agreed.


The Hub

We met at a cyber hub called The Garage. We found a spot to sit and we caught up on what has been going on in each of our lives.
Later on we searched through Pinterest for furnitures as he’s looking forward to purchasing one for his workspace.
My friend suddenly got this inspiration to test our artistic nature. We picked a random picture on Pinterest and tried to draw it.
We also created a playlist that comprised of songs we picked out together, a little something to keep the vibe going while we draw. While the drawing we were to imitate was on his PC, he placed his phone on it so we could both see the lyrics and sing along at will. So it’s safe to say we had a drawing and karaoke session.




The outcome of the drawing was hilarious. I tried, I really did. For someone that hates to even hold a pen, I think I did well. My friend’s drawing turned out way better than mine. I felt so jealous but I did congratulate him. After this, we called it a day.







I had such an amazing time and it all just reminded me of something a friend once said, that unplanned moments sometimes makes the best moments. Really, fun can be had in different ways and simple ways at that. To think that I’ve always wanted to attend a proper art session with my friends, a kind where we are provided with proper painting and drawing tools, with lots of good food and drinks. While I still have that as one of my dreams, I’ll cherish this good memory.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-06 at 2.35.13 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-06 at 2.35.40 PM.jpeg


After a while of fuming about him not being a proper gentleman as he didn't intentionally draw something awful so my drawing would be better, my jealous self sat still for a blurry selfie. Well, that's how my day went. How was yours?

All images used on this post are mine.


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