Hi Hive Friends.
The weekend experience topic is [ Why do you make a good friend? Explain with examples. ]
Today's topic is interesting this week and today is quite special I am going to share with you all that why it is important to have good friends in life or why it is important to have friends and this is the fact that we see that in today's time, many such relatives also leave each other in bad circumstances, but if they are good and ethnic friends, then they do not leave each other and bad times are made into good times by helping each other.

At this time my age is 27 years so it is a long time that we have lived so far so in this life we have learned a lot and there were some situations in life that the real face of many people. So here I would like to share with you all the things that we have seen, meeting each other as long as we are in good condition and contacting each other as long as we need each other.
If there are, we do this thing ourselves it has been tested that whenever we need any work or help from any close relative, then the relatives do not help us, so it is better to have some such friends in life. One should always support us in difficult times, so in life we should never leave that person who stands by us in our difficult times, so a few years ago,
Such a time also happened to us and we had a friend who and we have been reading together since childhood, so it is enough for us We were together till today and will always try to be together. Good and bad times in life are the gift of every human being and when bad times come, they make us recognize people who is supporting us in our bad times and who is not even wanting to meet us in our bad times.

Because earlier our conditions were good and then some bad times came upon us, so in life we saw that relatives with whom we had a relationship of 15-20 years also left us and people therefore even when there are bad situations so we end the relationship that we have to give money to these people and we have to cooperate with them even more, so nowadays we see that people have money,
They want to invest it on themselves and any if you don't want to help other people, it's a fact that time has become much tougher and changed, so people's true faces always come out when we need some help from them. A few years ago I also needed some money in the same way and there was a problem going on at home and this problem could not be solved without money,
So we also tried a lot to get our relatives to help us but we knew that all the relatives have money but none of them helped us so we thought that we will solve our problem by selling our property but when this friend of mine learned that we are selling this property and more we need money, so he gave us that money at that time and later we returned it after a few months,

Then we got to know the real story of each relative that one person also belongs to another person. No one is happy to help and no one wants you to progress in this world, so it is best to cut off contact with such people.
The place we went for a walk is not that far because of the cold weather, because it was quite far from our city, but it is a beautiful view, especially when there are clouds in the sky like this. It feels good to go to the places, so the weather was better here since morning, so we planned to visit this place in the afternoon. It was 30 minutes from our house.
We started early in the afternoon so that we you can go there and see some special and new things because winter is going on and the evening is getting very early and so every time you visit such a place it takes a lot of time. As soon as we entered, the first thing we saw was their exit and setting. There were two different types of chairs and there was also a system of sitting and eating.

People who do not want to sit on chairs can do so. You can sit and eat in a rural environment. Then we went a little further here, so nowadays wherever we are going, such a system is mandatory there that some stoves are installed for the children so that the children can enjoy themselves and the family too. If you can enjoy it, here at that time we saw that no one had come because of the cold, so people come here at night and here we saw that there was no place to sit inside.
Was built and in the inner hall the heater was also working so this thing was much better because this place is outside the city and whenever people come here in cold weather they will be much happier when they get a place like this. There was a complete variety of food so people would go out of the city to eat such food of their choice.
They had a lot of furniture and very beautiful, both indoor and outdoor furniture, I liked it a lot. Their relatives and all other people also come to visit this place, so I hope that if any city person is seeing my post, he must visit this place, especially the natives.

Who is djbravo?
Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and I am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is a writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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