At Some Point in life, Every Human Being Speaks both Truth and Lies

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Hi Weekendexperince and Threespeak Community.

The weekend experience topic is [ Write two truths about yourself and one lie but don't tell us which one is the lie. ]

I hope all of you are well, I am also well, so today's topic for this week is interesting, so I would like to say about it here, first, I will tell you a lie that you all may not know about me, because I used to tell this lie when I was a child, but now I hate lies, and I have not lied since I was older, so this is the only lie that we all tell in our life, so here we are. But when the children used to leave school, they used to tell a lie that our grand father had died.

In childhood, we didn't know that lying is a sin and people start hating it later when they know the truth, so we used to make this excuse after the school holidays, but when we grew up, we got to know the truth about things, then we hated lying, and now we try not to lie even if the truth is causing harm. So it was a lie that I hid from you all because I have been working on this platform for a long time and everyone knows everything about me.

Here now I am going to share some special things about my life with everyone, so my nature here is such that I try to do my own harm in life, but the next person should not be harmed, if he is poor, then he should not be harmed at all. I did not take it and this is what I will continue to try for the rest of my life to help each other and do good to each other so that we can teach a good lesson in this world and the world will follow it,

So this is a truth that I always try to do, whether my circumstances are good or bad, but still I try to do this thing. We have seen people of different nature in our life and I saw an accident few days ago that he took the ID card of a biker and said that he will not give him the original ID card until it is damaged.

Human nature changes with time and the second truth is that if someone lies to me even jokingly, I feel much worse because here the way we are all friends and someone is called and he does not come and later we know that he has lied to us, then later we feel much more sad because we have been with each other for 12-13 years and when such a lie of any person is caught, the heart is sad.

It happens, we should never lie to each other, we should always do each other's work, only then will we all be able to live a good life. In life, if a person is doing bad things to us, then I do not take revenge from him and I forgive him, this is a truth about me and someone is abusing a person, so if I can do something, I definitely do it, otherwise I become sad.

I liked the name of the place we went to visit and they had a full variety of fast food, so in the beginning of the video you can see that the combination of red and yellow chairs was done here and it looked very good and it is not easy to decorate such a place.

All the people who were coming here we also talked to some people but they were not coming in front of the camera so here they were quite happy to see their decoration and their food test was also very good and here we were seeing that right now they have a lack of space but as soon as their business becomes more famous they will try to expand it. There was less space at the bottom,

So they had made an outdoor seating system in the roof area and there was so much beautiful decoration that you can see in these pictures. Here the lighting was also arranged in the upper part. They could have complained about it and they said that if we have any complaint then we try to improve it. This thing I liked the most is that they give importance to the customer.

We see that there are some hotels that become famous and then they stop giving importance to the customer. This is very wrong because the customers are the ones who make the famous.

Beautiful pictures of pizza were made on the walls with the help of lighting and here we can see that many motivational words were written so people read them here and the children were very happy to see such decoration and a pleasant atmosphere was created here so that everyone can forget the problems of life and have fun.

It has been seen that this thing is pinging people a lot at the moment and a lot of people are selling their three year holdings in the market right now, so I would say that the interest rate on 12 13th. DCA must be done. People were thinking that the white house has talked about crypto, so the market will go up here, people had opened a lot of living positions, so here one thing we always have to think in this market is that the exchanges that are there, they never lose themselves and where they see liquidation,

Then they take bitcoin, they have nothing to do with altcoin, they are controlling the whole market through bitcoin here. At the moment, Bitcoin's dominance is once again increasing and here we will see that the altcoin will now go below its all-time lows if interest rates rise. Currently the market condition is not looking good and we are facing a lot of panic sellers in the market at the moment.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs

Oppo Reno 5 (64 MB Ai Quad-Cam)

Video Editor:
Inshot and

Video images: @djbravo

Camera Assistant: @djbravo and @nadir

Design and production: @djbravo

Pakistan ( Multan )

Translator used:
Translated with Google Translator.

Mentions in this video: @sayury , @luisfe , @manclar , @ismeris , @mariiale1979 , @cetb2008 , @emocomun , @davixesk8 , @encuentro , @sacra97 , @lcampesina , @capitandelbam , @purapapita , @lisfabian , @cositav @gaborockstar , @yusmi

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What a beautiful place, my friend. I've always loved spaces like this with both natural and artificial plants. The photos are some of the best. Congratulations on that, too. Greetings.

Thanks alot.