We traveled to a farm as a family last Saturday (including expenses)

We had already planned this family trip during the week because my girlfriend had bought tickets to the place for a price of 5000 ARS or 7.15 dollars, which is relatively cheap for other countries with a more stable currency.
The farm we visited is located 55 kilometers from our house and it takes us about 1 hour to travel, but on the way we had to go buy meat at the supermarket, along with some drinks and vegetables, in which we spent 13,000 ARS or 18.6 Dollars.
Then we had to fill up on fuel at a service station, where we added the amount of money that we considered to be 3000 ARS or 4.2 dollars this time; We cannot afford to ask for a full tank because we would have to pay around 16,000 ARS or 22.85 dollars, which is not affordable for us.
After all the preparations along the way we realized that we didn't have a preservative in case there was any leftover meat or in case we bought ice so it wouldn't melt, luckily some friends live on the way to the farm so they lent us . the missing





With everything necessary for the trip, we went with caution along the route because it is very busy and respecting the speeds to avoid traffic fines.
My girlfriend drove because I'm a little scared of one of the bridges that cross the river, it has a high slope and you can't see who is coming in the opposite direction; Add to all this that the route is narrow and is traveled by trucks that transport food and long-distance buses.
We arrived at the place very well and were surprised by how huge it is for being on the side of the road and having never seen it before, many times we passed by it without knowing that it existed.





The place is full of free animals, many of them are used to humans and some allow themselves to be touched, others go for the food that someone leaves on the table. Chickens, especially, are smart at taking food that you forget on the table.
It was incredible that the peacocks were loose around the farm walking next to you without the slightest fear, almost all the animals there are super accustomed to being petted or fed, the exception were the females with newborn babies.
My daughter was able to pet a pregnant goat that was so loving and also the pigs that looked like two little dogs, because once you scratched them they wanted to go with you; In addition, pigs always have an excess of dandruff which irritates their skin, which is why they love to be scratched intensely.






We really enjoyed the day because we were able to have a family meal, the little ones played wherever they wanted and the place was beautiful. We had to keep an eye on ours because there is a small well water channel that keeps the duck lake filled with water and our daughter wanted to walk across it every time she went to the games, luckily she quickly understood that it was better to walk across the bridge made of wood so as not to get wet; knowing that my daughter loves being in the water.




At one point I had to go away with my cell phone because I had scheduled a group video call with other developers and I had forgotten that we were going to the farm just that day. Luckily my daughter fell asleep and I put on headphones to listen. It will sound funny but I ended the video call with 1% battery on the cell phone.
We all came back amazed by the place because of the kindness of the owners and the close contact with the animals. Our dream is to be able to travel to “Esteros del Ibera”, a national park full of animals and the town is full of “Capybaras”, a very butch mammal. very friendly and lazy, when he gains confidence he lies down to sleep on top of you.
For this family adventure we spent around 21,000 ARS or 30 dollars, without taking into account that we brought some drinks that were at home and we did not buy charcoal to cook, in that case it would have been something around 25,000 or 35.7 dollars.
I add the expenses so you can see how bad we are financially in Argentina, because my partner's salary is around 250,000 ARS which would be enough for us to do an estimated 10 adventures a month.



If you come from abroad to visit my country, don't miss the opportunity to visit it, it is really worth it. My advice is that you use dollars as much as possible through a virtual wallet that allows you to make changes to local currency or ask a trusted local resident to do it for you.


What a beautiful place, I love lúgares like this. What a pity to hear about the economic situation in Argentina, I hope it gets better.

la verdad es que la situacion es horrible, una economia con billetes de alto valor obliga a aumentar los precios y provoca que el cambio u billetes de valor denominacion tenga poca circulacion, en resumen nadie quiere usar billetes

Hello, the place you show us is very beautiful, to be able to share as a family and observe that diversity of animals is to live the experience of being on a farm, which is the goal from what I see of that place. In my country Venezuela, making this type of trip is also a little expensive due to the low salary we receive, but hey, despite everything, you were able to do it and share as a family in a well-planned way as you did it is priceless.

See you later, have a great week.

conozco la situacion en venezuela y es horrible, agradezco que hive nos ayuda mucho con el tema economico; venezuela es pais lleno de paisajes increibles y si puedo algun dia lo visitare :D