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RE: Dead as a doornail.

in Weekend Experiences • 5 months ago

Oscar Wilde can suck a nut 🥜

I'm sorry about those events but at the same time why be sorry?

Death is just as exhilarating and worry some as being born.

Death is the new life that we all must embrace eventually.

Also, there is no death, there is no life, there is only existence and we are all one, connected to the rest of the universe.

I lost my grandmother who raised me. My parents were around but they didn't raise me. Grandmother did, and other males in my circle, we raised ourselves.

Now we are here. 25 years later remembering good and bad times.

Love you grandma. RIP.

...And that's one less witness.


Everything is going to be alright. We'll all get together again someday or night.


Are you channeling your inner David Icke m'dear?

Because I said we're all one?

No, because you said 'love your grandma'!
Perhaps we are all one. Perhaps we're in a simulacrum or a video game, or hooked up to the Matrix and imaging all this. Will we ever know since death, as we perceive it, is "The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns,"?

Funny you say that... I sometimes wonder if our "dreams"... Well let me put it this way.

When you dream, it's an experience just like here. Sometimes it feels very real. I once took salvia and lived an entire life of 70 years and I died by being stabbed to death all in 10 minutes and came back to this reality. Really had me tripping afterwards.

Anyways the theory is this, what if, dreams are just us living millions of lives in different dimensions or in this one, being loved at once, then when we die a billion times, for some reason, we end up back here again, except it's the next day. Good mourning.

Like, what if, you didn't really go to sleep but you went out and did something crazy that changed your whole life around and you lived it all to the end, died, lived other lives and had many adventures, died come back to square one it's the next day.

Just a thought though.

Do you listen to Jason Breshears? His theory goes something like...we can manifest what we want but only while asleep.

I've heard of him and have forgotten to look into him. Glad you reminded me!

Makes me wonder about a lot of songs like Silent Lucidity by queenscryche, "Dream control" it said.

It's weird because I. This world we do reverse engineering to create something new, while in that world, new things just form on its own with the power of thought and then it desigrates on its own.

Robot elves maybe....