the happiest!
I've missed you.
I might even be tempted to write for your contest just to connect hehhehee
busy you, busy me - different orbits.
all good but I do love when orbits align for a time....hehehe
and that @dandays guy....hehehe
he should be entering too???? hehehe
I miss his hugs!!!!
loving you both and seriously seriously considering joining this one just to properly "spend time" for a spell hehehee
hehehe hi you!!! did you just feel that???
DID YOU?!?!?!?
good. hehehehe
now go read my entry for this weekend and see if you know which codename ... well.. i shan't say. you just go enjoy! hahahahahaha
Hey there, no stress, sometimes the planets don't align I guess. I never expect anyone to enter, the writing suggestions are there for those who choose to of their own volition. There's been some really great posts, the best ones are those who aren't doing it for the potential reward they may get, but because they want to.
@dandays gives me hugs too...
But they feel weird...
Ah c'mon, it's only weird the first 15 or 16 times
I was going to invite you to the G-Dog House Party. But rumor had it there were allergy meds about...

Dude stay away from those things. Blow, whiskey, weed, no problem. Allergy meds, however, HUGE PROBLEM!
Allergy meds and shotguns. Deadly combo
Oh... And avoid Vic Macky. That guy is a loon.!!

That door ramming swat guy in your weekend post is Laugh Out Loud.
I know right.
That was not even the original gif I chose. But when I Laughed out loud I figured yea... winner.
oh my gosh. they knock me out like nothing else.
they are no joke.
i think he likes them best when they feel weird! hehehehe hi KRAZZY!!!!!!!
Missed You almost as much as I have missed myself.
glad we bumped into one another again.
Nothing feels weird about that... LoL