It was in Del Rio by the Sea. OK, now I am being silly. It was a desert wasteland. It was just for 6 months. I was in Phoenix and a short time in Tuscan. I have two sisters in law that are Spanish. One is from Puerto Rico and the other Mexico City. So yes. But, I can remember it for the moment and ask me in ten and it will have vanished!
Please, just speak French or German or Italian to me. My Godparents were Italian and spoke no English. My grandfather and family only spoke bastardized French and lived in the US and I lived in Germany and had to learn it to mainstream with life.
Good morning from here!
That's an exciting upbringing.
Did you say Tucson? That's what you meant by near the border?!
Great Mexican food doesn't count. 😉
LOL No. Del Rio and El Paso are right on the border. I also lived in New Mexico and San Bernadino for a quick blink.
Not my upbringing, but, after I left home. I was born and raised on the coast of Connecticut.
Great Mexican food should count!