Are we going to be cavemen again?

At the first mention of the caveman (or cavewoman), I don't immediately think of the bare-chested and barefoot prehistoric man, who used a stick to hunt smaller animals in the forests to feed himself.

I think of the Flintstones family from the amined movie. Fred and Barney, Wilma and Betty were animated characters who, in the 1960 film, humorously presented the life of cavemen, a family and their friends.

And what exactly is that family in my mind?
Well, I have fresh memories from Aiya Napa, where I spent the evening in a bar under the clear sky.

The popular BedRock Inn was our refuge one warm night when Fred Flintstones beckoned us to be his guests.

I'm not sure what or how much I drank that night, but still not enough to ride the bar's favorite attraction, Fred's car. I don't have a picture of that car...

While there were still small children around, I didn't manage to approach this car, I was ashamed to push myself with the kids, and when I left the bar before dawn, I didn't want to get into it, because I don't get behind the wheel when I'm drunk, so let it be a car with pedals 🙂

This memory of mine from the summer goes with the topic given by galenkp for this week:
Do you think you would have made a good caveman or cavegirl?

I am not spoiled, and I am not afraid of nature.
I slept under a clear sky and under the shelter of rocks. I have some skills that could come in handy if I thought about spending some time in the cave and nature.
I know how to make a shelter for myself, I know the methods of collecting water in nature, and as a kid I learned how to light a fire without a lighter or a match.

I can definitely handle a knife and an axe, I've also tried to nock an arrow or throw a spear, so I could probably handle catching dinner.
If nothing, I would catch fish with a woven handy net or a basket in the river.
And if I didn't catch any fish, I would find some edible plants.
So I would survive.
I don't know how my time would pass without a book, computer or mobile phone (it would be difficult for me in the first days without the Internet and the company on HIVE), but I would certainly be dealing with some existential questions and problems, such as how not to be eaten by a lion or a wolf and how to save myself from a bear (but not the one in the crypto world 🙂 , but the real one, which would take my life in a second).
Well, I could survive without a phone.

Life in the modern world has made us weaklings.
We have become sluggish and weak, timid people who do not know the laws of nature, those who are ready to destroy it in order to provide themselves with even more comforts.
We have become people who are maximally dependent on technique and technology, and who often trust other people's eyes more (for which the media and social networks are the most responsible), than what they see with their own.

When I told my friend's son that we didn't have internet in our childhood, he asked: "How many minutes?".
Well, back then, in those years, when we were children, we learned what young people don't learn today. We learned how to coexist with nature, how to manage in the forest, to fish with a hook, shoot targets with a slingshot..
We learned how to be capable.

These people of the new generation, who are coming, are totally unprepared for life outside of comfort and have no sense of life without technology, so the question is how they would manage in that role.
They would probably manage, but with a lot of pain and suffering..

And us?
The only thing I don't know is how we, the slightly older generation, allowed so much evil to be done to our environment in the world?
Why, even though we could live in a cave, we agreed to the destruction of our planet in order to get comfort that we don't even need.
Why did we agree to let virtual reality be our reality and for AI to think for us?

Perhaps this is a necessary step, in order to reach the next reset, when humanity will go back to zero, and start from the beginning.
Drawing again with a stone on the walls of his cave, hunting in nature for his meal, rediscovering the way to light a fire, rediscovering the wheel...
Because as the title of one show in Serbia "Still turns", the life of civilization is constantly in motion and its existence is a renewing process.


The reboot will come sooner or later, society is going to it... maybe it's inevitable, maybe the earth has been through this many times, but you could definitely with those skills live in that era. Interesting reflections.

It would be very difficult to jump out of this modern age into a cave, but I certainly wouldn't surrender, that is, I would die trying to survive.

I would do exactly the same, after all it would be a great experience.

