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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 249

Tomorrow is March 15.
I was born and live in Belgrade. I support student protests.
Tomorrow, as I was tonight, I will be with them. Until the requirements are fulfilled, that the institutions do their job.

At that protest, perhaps it will be seen whether it is the size (balls) or the courage of the heart in the chest that matters

If there isn't time to write about greatness, drug research, or jurassic park, maybe this weekend I'll present my view of the protest, just to return home whole.


Protests huh? Hopefully it's for the right cause.

When the entire state leadership is corrupt and thieving, protest is a must, not an option.
Even when everything seems to be OK, you should strive for progress, and even then you should express dissatisfaction, because that's the only way you can get improvement.

This weekend I had a very nice experience, I think our protest had a sense and a point.
The government is shaken... New steps will be taken next weekend.