My favorite weekend has all the elements of a weekend getaway:
- A travel destination
- Hotel room service
- An adventure
It happened when I was in a rural community as a medical student. This was before the pandemic struck and we all had to hide out in our houses.
We traveled to a small community named K-dere in Ogoni River's state. This all seems like an amazing setup but it all falls apart when you consider that we all traveled there as a class together.
I loved my classmates but you need to understand that we already did very thing together in our hostel. It was nice to take a break from busy traffic and noise but it was annoying to be with them there again.
The travel destination
One weekend I really needed to recharge after spending time with my classmates for so long and Agbami Oil Company had recently given me my scholarship allowance of over $400.
I had the motive and the funds to do what I wanted. So grabbed some clothes and I started my travel.
Hotel Room Service
Okay, this wasn't so amazing, all they did was arrange my room. This was a big deal for me considering where I was in K-dere the rooms were shity.
The room was just a wall and a bed, no furniture anywhere and we kept our travel boxes on the floor. Basically a prison camp for soon-to-be doctors.
So arranging a well-kept room was a big deal to me.
In addition, there was air conditioning, I had the money for food. I took Bolt riders to anywhere I wanted.
Fewer the interactions with people, the better.
The adventure (I went to get a tattoo)
I took one of those Bolt rides that were 70% off cause I was a new customer at the time to a beauty salon where they did tattoos.
To cut the long story short I ended up waiting for hours for the tattoo guy to come but he never showed. I have never seen a guy chicken out of giving a tattoo before.
I wanted to get the words "Live and Let Live" on my chest. It turned out that even though that is the meaning of my is really corny and common.
If I'm getting a tattoo it's going to be DNR on my left chest. So if I'm seen unconscious...I should be left alone to go in peace.
This weekend
I might go take a break in a hotel again considering I can and it would be cool.
Sounds like a 'topsy-turvy' weekend where nothing went quite as planned but ended up being great.
Be sure that tattoo goes over left chest, not reliable artist could end up on your bum! was just an average one and it was amazing.
The tattoo guy probably was. He did had some cool pictures on display though.
I think this is one of his
That one is super, not that I would wear it! My imagination always goes to the wrinkle syndrome effect in later years....
Just hearing this for the first time...but i makes so much sense
Probably, this time when you do get this break, you will finally get the tattoo. Or wait, did you get it then? I didn't seem to see you mention what happened afterwards. Forgive me if I skipped it though 🙏 wasn't so clear...but I haven't anyway.
My next leave I'm going to Lagos to waka round