Weekend Engagement Week #249/ Size Matters

Good morning friends happy Sunday you must be getting ready for church just like me i wish you Sunday blessings

Responding to the question does size matter or not yes size really matters and this size of a thing has brought a lot of problems to our society today and some keep saying it doesn't matter but the truth remains despite it doesn't matter to you it really matters to some people out there and you don't have to conclude for them saying it doesn't matter 😊😊

This topic is for adults and i think is right time we tell ourselves the truth and stop the pretence why not go for what you want and not deceiving me well am good God gave me my size you see choice of size matters a lot that is one of most reason of broken marriages and relationships today infact many things has gone wrong because of this

As for me at the initial time i did not see size as a problem i always blame people who had problem in their marriages especially because of this i believe during courtship even if your faith don't accept that please use your eyes to weigh his trouser size and if you are not ok with what you saw don't go into that marriage the same goes to the men at least you can easily dictate that of boobs though some of us put on artificial 🤣🤣 please run for your dear life if what you saw is not ok for you which i know that you don't eat that type doesn't mean there are not people desiring it out there

I thank the initiator of this topic you see many things has gone wrong i have seen it happened to many especially in the christian families which is not supposed to be so a woman after so much trouble with her husband one day the church organized a committee to look into their matter do you know this woman has been enduring this size rather prefer to make problem to see if it will result to her leaving the marriage but the man kept making peace until that very day she decided to open up and that ended the marriage she said the size was not satisfactory to her that she has lost interest and this was how the marriage crashed

At first i wanted to shay away from this topic just like i know many others did how can i talk about it but no you must talk about it because the earlier we tell ourselves the truth the better what attracted you both matters was it money or love if it is money definitely she or he will look for size outside but if is love it covers and guarantees a lot of things pertaining to sizes i have heard most girls say no no i must check and the size first before i go in while to some other girl says it doesn't matter as long as money is there you see that is why i said earlier tell yourself the truth what do you want don't say size don't matter it matters ooo

Thank you for reading my post

The image is mine


Well this is for adults, I'm still a baby. 😂

But one thing I often hear people say is "shoe get size". So one should buy their own size oo to avoid had I know.

!BBHI dey come 🏃. Ermm, @beckyroyal @bipolar95, what's your shoe size? 🙄

Hahaha funny but that's true 😊