Nightshade Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Music of the best kind

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)

I was sent this video 0n the weekend by a friend from YouTube and it brought back many years of youthful memories. I was an Elvis fan from age 11 and that meant, as I am a one man loyal personality, no other singer or band meant much to me. Of course I enjoyed the music but never as much as the one and only Elvis Aaron Presley. I have an original fan club pin somewhere which I might consider parting with for a disgusting amount of money. I even sent a long-time friend packing until she gave up liking Pat Boone and changed to Elvis, which she did. A loyal one man only girl was I.

Then, I found myself two-timing Elvis. Despicable to say the least.
I was about 22 years old and together with a work colleague, hitch hiking through England. We were on our way to Cornwall when we were offered a lift by a disgusting looking man but hey, we had to take what we could get as England was not like Europe where a lift was an easy accomplishment. He had green teeth! What does that tell you? I had never seen green teeth in all my short life and never since, thank goodness.

However, on his car radio was playing the Beetles song 'Hey Jude' and it lasted seven minutes. Most songs in those days were much less, like maybe four minutes. It topped the British charts and caused me to two-time Elvis. I finally fought the tide and became a Beetles fan.

They had so many wonderful songs which on retrospect were mostly so great that I don’t have a clue how I could have not appreciated them up till then, but 'Hey Jude' must top the memory charts.

Here is an amazing version by top artist gathered to reinvent the magic. Paul McCartney and Elton John on Piano, Sting as back-up singer, Phil Collins on drums, Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler on guitars and Paul Simon on vocals.


Those are some absolute classics 👌

Thanks Christine, nothing but the best!