Yaya for a day!

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

It's weekend again and as an aunt I get to be with my niece pretty Anushka, and "maldita" too.😁


I got the amazing chance to take on the job of a yaya, for my cute, pretty and "maldita" like me niece today. Her name is Anushka and her name was from my sister's boss from London. Her boss was a rich model in Dubai and London. My sister dreams her child Anushka to be as successful as her boss Anushka from London. Although I have always loved being their aunt, this experience made me much more aware of the constant care and unending affection that come with being a young child's caregiver.
Children nowadays just like my niece understands a bit about having a complete family. She loves it when her parents are around and her siblings too. She values playing with them but her favorite playplace is this place.

She loves going here playing with so much balls and slides. She gets to listen and watch also. She meets new friends everytime she goes here. She touches every toy that she can see. She doesn't waste anytime if she goes to play here.
Keeps jumping on the trampoline until she gets tired of it.


I enjoy seeing this little girl. She looks so happy and maintains a constant conversation with me. She talks and describes every toy she sees and plays with it.
This child knows how to value her time and family. Seeing her makes me reminisce the time when I was young, with no problems, no bills no due dates for work.

Being a yaya for a day gave a lot of realizations. Let's value our time, what we have and whom we are with.
Blessed day ahead! Happy weekend!


Time spent with pamangkin is enjoyable, yet draining as they are so energetic 😁

that is so true...