DIYing this kind of thing is great, it gives you a sense of achievement in extending it's life and what a great saving not having to get a new one!
I haven't done a DIY job on an outside table but I've done plenty in other areas and people will probably call me a cheapskate, but I'm always looking at ways to decrease costs of having to replace things. I passed up an opportunity to buy a really nice pair of new hiking boots recently as I just couldn't justify the spend, I just glued the old ones back together until they fall apart. You did a great job from what I can see in the images 😊
I know you DIY on your vehicle a lot and it's through necessity, which is an ex excellent reason for it, however there's a satisfaction gained as well, a job well done, or at least attempted and accomplished to a standard, as with my outdoor setting. It's not perfect, but it came out well and I'm happy with it, the savings and the fact I did it myself.
The boots you mention, one can't have enough boots...ok, they can actually, more than a person needs is wasteful. It's so hard for people to say no to themselves these days, probably a combination of the feeling they get from buying something, (or validation they feel comes from others) and the way society is trained to think these days. Sad really...Like the fishing post I wrote much gear! I can help but think the caveman and gave girl I spoke of in that post were far happier than most these days.
I'll tell my outdoor setting you approve of its cosmetic enhancement.