Sábado embellecedor con mi novia + mucha practica de piano | Beautifying Saturday with my girlfriend + lots of piano practice [ESP- ENG]

Hola mi gente, ¿como están? espero se encuentren super bien. De vez en cuando hace falta hacerse un cariñito y ponerse mas guapo, esta vez lo pude disfrutar con mi novia @eliguzmane dado que ella era la experta en belleza.

Hello my people, how are you? I hope you are doing great. From time to time it's necessary to make yourself a little love and get more handsome, this time I could enjoy it with my girlfriend @eliguzmane since she was the beauty expert.

No solo disfrute de esto en mi sábado si no que también fui a ver mi clase del curso de excel que ando haciendo hicimos algo sencillo que fue crear una tabla con nombres e identificaciones, cargos, pagos mensuales etc, es decir, una nomina. Luego de esto fui al odontologo quien me iba a quitar los puntos que tenia de una muela que me había sacado y de paso me arreglo otra muela, ademas aproveche de hacer unas comprar para mi mamá.

Mi disfrute de sábado empezó en la tarde con un café con leche mas unas galletitas que disfrute con mi novia, mientras yo practicaba intensamente mi piano (LUEGO SUBO VIDEO)

Not only did I enjoy this on my saturday but I also went to see my excel course class that I'm doing, we did something simple which was to create a table with names and IDs, positions, monthly payments etc, i.e. a payroll. After this I went to the dentist who was going to remove the stitches I had from a tooth I had pulled out and also fixed another tooth, plus I took the opportunity to do some shopping for my mom.

My Saturday afternoon enjoyment started with a coffee with milk and some cookies that I enjoyed with my girlfriend, while I practiced intensely my piano (I will upload a video later).


y le sugerí que nos hiciéramos (o que mas bien ella hiciera) una mascarilla con café para limpiarnos el cutis, aprovechamos lo que sobro de cuando se había colado y lo mezclo con una cream hidratante de coco, no las aplicamos y parecíamos un par de pecosos.

and I suggested her to make (or rather she made) a mask with coffee to clean our skin, we used what was left over from when she had strained it and mixed it with a coconut moisturizing cream, we didn't apply it and we looked like a couple of freckles.


Jajajaja luego de aplicarla y lavarla nuestros rostros quedaron hermosos, las cosas con ella siempre son muy divertidas desde lo mas simple hasta lo mas complejo.

Continué practicando y preparando una clase que tenia que dar el domingo, me di cuenta que tengo que practicar bastante he perdido cualidades por tanto tiempo sin dedicarme a mi instrumento.

Mas tarde le dije que hiciéramos una pijamada, prepare una panquecas con mantequilla y queso, y vimos la película 1917 ¡RECOMENDADISIMA!

Hahahaha after applying it and washing it off our faces were beautiful, things with her are always fun from the simplest to the most complex.

I continued practicing and preparing for a class I had to give on Sunday, I realized that I have to practice a lot, I have lost qualities for so long without dedicating myself to my instrument.

Later I told her to have a sleepover, I made pancakes with butter and cheese, and we watched the movie 1917, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


Fuente \ Source

Estos días así son los que uno quiere recordar siempre entre risas el tiempo pasa bonito.

These days like this are the ones you always want to remember with laughter and time passes beautifully.


There's nothing quite like a little bit of face cleansing and war movies on the weekend! :)

I've seen 1917 three times and on each occasion found something new to like. It's a powerful movie and deserving of all the awards it won.

That's so true is just an amazing movie. There's was a nice weekend!


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