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RE: If Next Year Could Be Year 2022 Again... [WE 134]

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I'm glad to hear you had a good year and you want it back.

There are so many other reasons I would choose this year over others if I was given the opportunity and one of them is also to live my age again (I DON'T WANT TO GROW OLD) 😂 It's funny how I hate to remind myself of my new age, can't believe another birthday is approaching.

We had a neighbor, an old man, who was always saying to everyone, May God let you grow old, or something like that. Most of the people got shocked and he enjoyed it every time, as he started explaining them, if you don't get old, that means you die young. He was right but still, people were not happy receiving his wishes.

So, you know, we can't stay young forever 😂


Lol... Even I wouldn't want to hear him say that to me 😅 but sadly, he's so right.

I don't want to die young, I don't want to grow old and I wish I could stay young forever... Yeah, I'll say that to the walls 🤣