WE 172 My wisdoms relevant to children

Greetings dear readers today I give life and love to blog answering a question that this weekend brings us @galenkp and that I did not wait long to present, since I am very encouraged because it is similar to what I have been working, and it is not necessary to ask me to do, so the topics is:


You're asked to give a classroom of ten year old children three relevant points of wisdom - What are they and why?

A question that undoubtedly causes me great emotion to answer, since, in my work as a teacher of manual arts for children, during our school period there are many things that I want them to learn, more than programmatic or curricular content, is to teach them for life, especially when each one brings to the classroom their life stories, which speak of their ties and possible psychosocial development.


Photo of children of my work center's ecological brigade, an activity directed by me in homage to nature.

That is why during my work I have tried to put into practice everything I have learned in courses and workshops that I took after graduating. Parallel to my work I have sought what my soul urges me to achieve, and this has been to receive information about personal development, playful, creative and ecological activities that I have assumed as a general cultural indispensable to live, under this perspective, in my planning I have structured activities with that sensitivity to offer children a different environment inside and outside the classroom.


Gif elaboration cross of may made with children of the ecological brigade in my work center, for traditional activity in commemoration of the cross spring forecast time of sowing and harvest.

However, after the dynamics and educational policies in compliance with the guidelines issued by the Venezuelan Ministry of Education, my plans have sometimes been run over, which has caused me anger, because all these policies are usually provided through photos and surveys, to say on social networks that thanks to the great ministry the Venezuelan education system offers a high quality education Let me laugh🤭!

I don't wait to be asked, I already do it!

In spite of this, I believe I am one of those teachers who do not expect to be asked to offer relevant knowledge to their students, I am one of those who bet on quality education and who break out of the mold. Thanks to this impetus I do not get caught up in anger, I put myself into action and assertively place limits before some things that in my opinion are imposed and not very feasible to carry out those ministerial guidelines.


Photo at my place of work, Ministry of Education asked for the carnival parade 2022 teachers and children to be dressed as super mustache caricature representing the current president - together with some colleagues I decided to go as Doctor Clown paying tribute to the doctors who were fighting in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even so, I do not fail to carry out my dynamics whose vision is the playful and pedagogical action, with which both they and I have had satisfactory encounters and work, as I perceive it through their vehement desire to attend my classes, being my three relevant points of wisdom: Affectivity, Creativity, Vitality..

These three points of wisdom relevant to me, is something that I teach progressively in each content, trying with word and action to express each of these, taking advantage of the immediate learning ability of children, who, through the imitation of behaviors through significant adults, are able to do extraordinary things that exceed evaluation scores.


That is why when I refer to Affectivity I do not present it with that dreamy pink posture, in my classes I try that children assume this word with an undifferentiated vision, developing and experiencing new ways of relating with others and the environment, having as a first resource the game and music, to awaken values of: joy, equality, respect, empathy, solidarity, integration, among other positive values.



Trying to offer them the open possibility to express their feelings, both in their work and with their peers, asking them to express their Yes or No with their own criteria in situations of encounter or choice, and in these cases my job is to mediate with affection to achieve the objectives.




Playful photo activity of corporal expression for group integration.


Another relevant point is Creativity, my premise is to teach it, not as a resource that only artists use, creativity is an innate potential in living beings to develop and promote solutions to our lives, it is the innovation from what exists, which allows us an existential recreation. We can make use of creativity to solve any life situation, be it school or personal, and as part of our human essence, it is free and with it we can solve things and cases.



Collective playful activity, learning to make yoyo and spinning top (traditional toys) with useful materials,


And last but not least the Vitality, that power of action that we all have using the body with care and love, deploying in our day to day stages of self-regulation, this implies respecting our time and evolution with all the elements for life: food, sleep, rest, really nourishing activities for our body, mind and emotions, which in simple words point to the welfare and health, the latter being the imposed to live to the fullest.


Tapestry made with the support of the children for the closing activity of the 2022 - 2023 school year "LET'S PAINT LIFE".

These are my three relevant points of wisdom that I teach in a playful and didactic way to a population of children from 6 to 12 years old, each group is attended according to their stage and evolutionary development, to whom from my creative impulse I offer the possibility of awakening affectivity, creativity and vitality, free and innate potentials in us, and of which I assure once active, to apply it in every stage of our life, as children or adults, the result is wonderful and irreversible.


Photo from my operating center



All photographs are from my personal album edited in inshot and google photos.



Image is by galenkp and is not for your use.

Beautiful pieces of wisdom here @evev xxx

 last year (edited) 

Thank you my friend @trucklife-family, green living is what resonates with my soul and is what I wish to impart to my little ones. In the face of a social system as predatory as ours, it is necessary to seek solutions to keep us in balance, honoring the inner wisdom that we all possess. Thank you for coming and leaving me your affectionate appreciation, happy week.

So lovely! You have children around you 😍.
All of the points highlighted are very vital in children's life. The creativity gives them room to figure figure out things, hence helping them in sharpening their minds when they face difficult issues

These three points of wisdom are very important to life and kids should be learning them early. Well done, a great post, presented well.

 last year (edited) 


Now that we are starting the school year, i am going with a change of program and activities, reinforcing these three points of wisdom. i hope it goes well and i will be able to tell you about it later.

That's fantastic, a great idea indeed!