My meaning, of freedom : WEEK 166

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)


hello all the beautiful community @WEEKENDEXPERIENCIAS today I will participate in the initiative created by the esteemed @galenkp where he exposes several topics, the ones I liked the most were Explain what freedom means to you: If you died today, would you die knowing you lived your best life or not?....

Freedom, one of the topics that I am most curious about and about which many have different opinions. Understanding freedom, many times we understand it as doing whatever we want and I think it is not so, because we confuse freedom with licentiousness. Freedom is not that at all. If we think that freedom is only to do what we please, with whomever and whatever, we are very far from living in wellbeing.

Freedom, for me, is the possibility of choosing my thoughts and actions, whether they are good or bad. It is having the ability to choose the attitude with which we are going to live our lives. In short, it is free will. Freedom does not depend on our will, but on our understanding as a free determination, as having no barriers to unfold. But the strongest connotation of freedom today seems to be that nothing can stop us socially. The quality of constantly changing is promoted.

For me, it is to choose with conscience what we must do to feel more fulfilled. Always being aware that freedom implies assuming the burden of our responsibilities. It also implies having the ability to show ourselves as we are, without showing a false face. Only when we dare to be authentic, we are truly free and happy.

Freedom makes you feel secure in all the things you are going to do, controlling more what you think. We must discard the junk thoughts that enslave us and cultivate more of the positive ones that liberate us.


If you were to die today, would you die knowing that I have lived my life with passion, that I have loved madly and that I have been wrong many times, that I have suffered a lot and that I have experienced joy and sadness, successes and failures, love and heartbreak? But also knowing that I have been very happy and that I have fought to the end, grateful for everything that life has given me until today. Because the truth is that my greatest fear for a long time was death, but today I long for death because I know that it is to live in fullness. Because beyond material achievements, the most important thing is to have loved and to have left a mark on others, especially to have been true to myself, and that is something that no one can take away from me.


Images of my property edited in canva


freedom is being who you want to be without fear of anything or anyone else

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the photos published in this blog are my own property.



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