even if we deny it, we live in a world that prejudges us by the cover and not by what we carry inside, where beauty is rewarded more than intellect.it's sad to say, but it's the reality and that's not going to change because we think differently.only until they give you the opportunity to meet you and chat with you can they realize if i am intelligent, if i am funny or not.people create a concept by our appearances.if i am badly dressed i am a disaster, if i am overweight i am lazy and lazy, but if you are attractive and you have the perfect measurements a lot of doors open for you.
Because I say this because a few months ago a friend of mine was looking for a job and she is very prepared and intelligent, she has more than 3 degrees, speaks more than 5 languages, socially she is very funny when you know her well, but they have problems that she is a little overweight and in the four companies they rejected her, they hired young and beautiful girls. of course not all companies are like that, but it is a reality, as they see you, they judge you. unless you are a recognized humorist you can make a living with humor.
I don't want to detract from the sense of humor, even for us women, being with a funny man is very endearing and very sexy because of the security he transmits but the truth is that there are very few people with a genuine sense of humor, it's not like I go around the corner and I find a herd of funny men. in my life i have only met 2 people like that, a cousin, a friend from college. they are unique, they have a great ability to tell jokes, their anecdotes in such a cheerful way that they make even the most serious person laugh. i love it when i am with them because i laugh a lot and i feel at ease, i feel like part of a family.
with an overflowing sense of humor that even made me envious Although I usually laugh a lot and look for the positive side of things, certain comments and criticisms did affect me and bothered me i don't know how they didn't get upset.they are people who have a very strong character and self-esteem, because we can all pretend and pretend, but inside we are very upset.One day my friend Gerardo told me: the secret is not to take anything personally, because if your opinion bothers me it is because your comments or your opinion is worth more than mine.I know what I am and what I am not.since then I apply it to my life: if they bother me with bad words I ignore them and leave.
Life is full of constant challenges and problems, but if we always keep a cheerful and positive attitude it is easier to cope with all the problems ñor at least in my experience, I get overwhelmed and worry a lot.People who don't have an ounce of humor are the radicals, the fanatics of a political group, of a sport, of a religion, of feminism.they tend to take things so personally and to see everything so square that they can't accept criticism.they are the most dangerous people.because any offense or bad word makes them react violently.
In the end what prevails are the facts.if people prefer a sense of humor, why are there so many people doing plastic surgeries, why are there so many people doing weight loss operations, why are there so many people buying beauty products to improve their appearance to feel more beautiful, more confident.why not just laugh at their defects and that's it.because we like to laugh at defects, at the jokes that humorists make to others, but deep down we do not feel bad when they make fun of us.
The photos published in this blog are my property
Many truths here my friend, a writing with a lot of sincerity.
And I am very sorry for your friend, but this is something that happens very often, it's a shame.
it's sad, but many people misjudge our appearance. thank you very much for your visit and have a nice weekend.
Sad reality...
Nothing like the natural...
Beautiful flower in the picture, by the way!