WEEK 140: Weekend-Engagement concept Topic-4 The aliens

Many leaders of a planet settled in space were keeping an eye on the actions of the people of the human world, they felt that if they continue to engage in similar experiments and activities, then one day their earth will be destroyed.

Because I was one of the analysts among them who were analysing the activities of earth, so they sent me to analyse the reasons for ending earth.



I came to the earth and saw that their parents, their society, their teachers, and religious teachers had taught them in their childhood that, do not lie, have mercy on living beings, worry about the poor, respect parents and, help the needy, In the present, have faith in yourself, have faith in God.

And they have taken care of these teachings and taught lessons in their life before some time ago. But in these few years, the circumstances have changed a lot, and the rules of living in society have probably changed a lot.

Extreme desires and greed to earn money have completely changed the life of a human beings. In today's world, all human beings are only busy in the competition to earn money, no one cares for anyone, now there is no value of rules left in life. Even parents do not have time to tell their children the definition of right and wrong.

Politicians have spread the business of lies and dishonesty in society, corruption, lies, fraud, dishonesty are prevailing in every field. The same type of news comes on television day and night. In all the countries, fighting and fighting is going on and the competition of degrading each other is going on.

Nature is also worried about all these and is determined to punish human beings on earth, just a few days back, information has been received that 30,000 people died due to severe earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Glaciers all over the world are melting due to global warming, and floods and storms come anytime anywhere. Mountains are moving and cracking, and even in different countries entire cities are falling down.

But even after all these incidents, no one is ready to learn a lesson, many countries are preparing for a nuclear attack on each other. Humans have already seen the result of some chemical tests in the form of an epidemic in the form of corona in the last 3-4 years.

A lot is yet to happen, sea storms and earthquakes are happening all over the world due to the tests of nuclear weapons inside the sea, inside the ground.
Perhaps if humans do not take care of themselves, nature will improve its ecosystem and reduce itself from the burden of 8 billion people on the whole earth. And now I'm pretty sure the countdown is on, just don't know how much time is left.

I went back to my planet and told my leaders what I felt and guessed after meeting many people on the earth and they also expressed their concern and regret on that.


What a great post mate,and some good messages to take away. Nice work, keep it up.

Thank you very much @galenkp sir for taking out your valuable time to read my post and encourage me.

You're welcome.

@marajah If like this our politicians remain in the affair of their pride, anger and greed, then definitely the end of the world will happen.