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RE: Are GM Foods Really the Answer to Food Security?

Another big aspect that gets swept underneath the rug is indigenous food and the accompanying indigenous knowledge systems. I am from the Western Cape area where the Fynbos biome is located, one of the densest plant kingdoms in the world. But it is slowly dying out due to various factors but one of them being grazing grounds for animals and crop grounds for either wine or food. The fynbos biome sustained the locals before the colonizers landed and it is still today used for food and medicine, but no one is writing the knowledge down nor are they viewing it as potential. So sad the times we live in; our obsession with and preference for sameness over diversity will be our demise.


Samemess over diversity. Yep. And all the literature and common knowledge argues for diversity yet governments will always preference the money. If big companies promise economic security via crop production they'll lean to that over other options because these companies will have the money to push it.

It's the same in Australia with dying Aboriginal knowledge of country. Even the words for things are lost. There's push to recover it but it's too little too late.

Sorry for the very late reply! Ugh, time.

Yes, it is so sad. In my philosophical jargon, it is called epistemicide or just neo-colonialism. It is the marginalization and rejection of difference. It is so sad how the people who still harbor this knowledge internalised western modernism and the drive toward sameness so they see their own knowledge as inferior. So many people here where I live still know the names of these plants and their medicinal properties and so on, but they keep it to themselves because they feel it is inferior and "backward". It is really so sad.