Caveman be good?!


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This topic was calling me because caveman is my middle name. Or at least that is what I called myself numerous times... But would I make a good caveman? I think that I would do great as a caveman. Sure it would require to be more physically active than I am now. Hunting mammoths and fighting other cavemen is a serious business after all. It would take me time to get into a better shape. But after that I reckon that I would really thrive. I am not technologically adept. Writing a message on my phone is a torment for me. When I see someone using a phone with one hand I consider it some kind of magic show. I can't drive so I mostly use my legs. I barely interact with people or leave my home. When I like a girl I just bluntly tell her that I think she is hot... And perhaps most importantly I find connection with caveman because I believe that they were the first starving artist-making art on cave walls and not getting any money or rewards for their works. They were also self-taught artists who simply painted what they wanted. Also if I would be religious I would much prefer to believe that the world itself is a god than that it has some other creator. So those believes would probably fit a caveman quite well. So I believe that I would make a good caveman. After becoming more fit I would probably be quite successful in hunting. I would barely have to speak with others and we would probably mostly use signs and growls. And doing any free time I would make art that no one asked me to make because I simply like making it. Even my romantic life would likely improve because caveman don't need to play no stupid games. So all in all my life as a caveman would probably be better than it is now...even if it would be much shorter.


Every day you are more astute, every day you evolve and become more apt, you are the man of tomorrow.

This was such a fun read! Your caveman logic actually makes a lot of sense—minimal social interaction, straightforward romance, no technology struggles, and plenty of time for art. Who needs modern conveniences when you can live a raw, unfiltered life, right? Maybe the lifespan would be shorter, but at least it would be simple and true to who you are. Caveman goals!

Thank you very much. I think I would live a good life in this case.

The caveman with a flair for art!!

thank you.

Maybe caveman lived better than modern man nmdo, who knows

I think you right.

I think the caveman was starving for a long time. 😂
He is so skinny 😵‍💫

He was on fat before but went on a diet.

I fully support this caveman career path. Just don’t challenge a saber-tooth tiger too soon. 😵😵