A Relaxing Time After Gym In Senja Massage And Reflexology

Hello my friends...
I went to the gym a lot especially in the past week. Maybe, it was because all the new experience that i am having with all of these classes i can take. I am so long lonely in this city and the thoughts of being a part of class and even community excite me like no other. With the intense work out in the gym, came a lot of body aches. All the DOMS is basically immobilize me, its hard to do anything because all i can feel is pain in my body. To balance them out, i love to do anything that can make my body relax even a little bit more. Most of the time, i will choose yoga as my way to go to release all the tension and ache in my muscle. The other times, when i feel more fancy and want to pamper myself a little bit then i choose another way to do it. One of the m are with massage or relaxation. in this world, nothing can compare to a deep tissue massage. I dont know if this is actually true or its just some kind of urband legend, but many told me that once you go massage regulary, you will need to do it even more regularly in the future. They said that our body will actually craving for the massage and will not be able to enjoy a simple rest day when our body feeling tight and full of ache.

Its very interesting to me. I dont know if its because of the suggestion in my mind or not, but it used to happen to me. If i dont do massage in three months, my body will feel freakashly heavy to the point that it makes me wonder how did i survive through the say with body as heavy as that. It was not as extreme as that nowadays because i di deep stretching with yoga regularly. In my life, massage changed from something i need to survive into something that i need when i feel fancy and want to take a break from stretching. i want something that people do to me. So, i did massage.

In this post i write, i will share about this massage shop me and my husbad went to by chance while we were looking for something to eat. The name is Senja. The place is not big but it was neat and well decorated. I think that they might adapt their design from the japanese style because they were looking simple yet chic is so typical japanese style design. They also have fe variants of drink available in their waiting room. They have mineral water, coffee, and ginger tea. After registering, me and my husband just need to wait for 5 minutes before our therapist came and escort us to the treatment room.

We choose different treatment. My husband with a full body massage and me with foot reflexy. I just dont feel like taking another bath for the day as we were planning to do some other things before we went back home. Like in many other places, the first thing the therapies do to us to wash and scrubs our feet. The washing feet area is very beautiful, its like e're washing our feet in the river with the water flowing pass ou feet. Its very relaxing. After that, for the main treatment we need to go separate way. My husband needed to go upstairs as the massage needs a more private space while i stayed in the first floor just in front of the washing feet area. Its because i only do foot reflexy so i dont even have to change my clothes.

The room is also beautiful, its enchanting. I feel like i was laying down between the stars because all the glow in the dark stickers they put in their ceilings. The room is so dark that we almost cant see anything but the stars in the ceilings. It's like the stars is our only guiding light. I had a hour foot reflexy and usually we will only get the massage in our feet, but the lady therapist is so kind because she offer to massage my back and shoulder for a bit. Her massage is so good that i dozed off after the first 15 minutes. When i finished, i've realized that she actually do my session for more than promised time for around 10 minutes. I feel so thankful for the lady therapit because she just makes my days so so much better. My husband was also very satisfid with their service and we planned to go there again the nxt time we had the chance to.