Sometimes, the moments of greatest peace of mind comes from the simplest
In this community, the experiences that the authors usually have during the weekend abound: Saturdays and Sundays, where almost everyone who publishes here, share their stories about what they have lived; either in solitude or with the joy of the company of loved ones. Personally, on Sunday, I decided to have a day of contemplation and a search for peace and quiet. I needed something in my life to connect with myself; to break away from the everyday and concentrate, even for a moment, on myself and on what brings me peace of mind.
That's what this post is about. I went out on the balcony of my flat to enjoy a beautiful autumn evening. The city looked perfect. Peaceful, lively but with the aura of a day where most people choose to do what they like to do most, mostly.... Sometimes "doing what you love", can be complex and requires planning; like going to the beach or travelling. Other times, it can be very routine but not well spent; like sleeping. At other times, finding what makes you feel fulfilled, complete and worthy is enough...
I have chosen this community, because I understand and realise that the core of what its creator really wants to know about us, is to recognise the substance that separates us from being automatons during the working days; you know Monday to Friday.... I like to think of myself as amazing, but the truth is I'm pretty regular.Monday to Friday, I pretty much do the same thing. I wake up, eat, shower, write, send what I write to work, feed my cats, and go to sleep.It's sad but that's how literal my routines and habits are.
Basically, to break away from all of the above is what I wanted to achieve on Sunday. I love coffee, and I enjoy being in peace and contemplative silence. The photograph is a response to my own point of view; it is the synthesis of the argument I am trying to make here. It is the reduced image of having peace and connection. Of materially owning what I love. Sometimes, we are not aware of the privileges we have. And even more so in a world as convulsed as the one we live in, where the difference is in the smallest thing: having basic services and the peace of being able to procrastinate safely...
The simplicity of doing whatever it is that we do that makes us fulfilled and happy is the only thing that should really count? So many times we fill our heads with worries, problems, complaints and who knows what else. But it is so limited and almost impossible to find the opposite. That is, the solution and the pleasure and importance of having peace of mind, fulfilment and peace. The experiences of the weekends, as it happened to me last Sunday, should be the starting point to be fairer to ourselves, and perhaps, a little less mean too....