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RE: I Don't Believe In Religion Because...

The Christians say theirs is the true religion, the Muslims say theirs is the true religion same as Buddhism.

But very deep down we all know that the only true religion is humanity.

All these religions preaches love, compassionate, forgiveness to one another. But do these so religious people truly practices these , maybe a few. What we have are very religious people who do not follow the teachings of their religion only those things that favour them and their agenda or can be use to manipulate others.


I agree with you. Humanity sure would be a better religion to follow as you wont want to bring harm to your fellow human once you know you're the same with no form of division.

Many of the teachings are twisted and its why I stopped going to churches for years now. I only pray and meditate on any form of evil thought lingering on my mind and tbh its been a peaceful experience for me.