Hello, friends!
I confess that at first I did it because I was bored at home, but then I said to myself: hey, there are also things to see at night. Since then, I started exploring the surroundings, and boy, did I see things!
From car shows to historical museums, I've found nightlife fascinating. In fact, I think there are more chances to see in detail what lies out there at this time because there aren't as many people walking around.
Every street I dive into or sky I stare at, I remember my good literary friend Henry David Thoreau's “after walking by night several times, I now walk by day, but I am not aware of any crowning advantage in it.”
I have been living the experience with the caution of observing how humans and nature come together in small spaces and moments that seem worlds unto themselves. On a balcony, the cigarette smoke of a scorned woman recalling a sour love from the past mingles, somehow, with the flight of an airplane resembling another twinkling star in the sky.
One, five or ten kilometers, each step taken is beneficial because it helps me get away from the daily routine, practice a bit my photography, get new ideas for writing stories or poems, and even dream of a future life that motivates me to keep working hard every day.
By the way, this was something I wrote last time I went out: