I want all three to be true!
So, number one...This is definitely legit as I can imagine this happening for sure. Number two....Hmm, I can imagine that smirk of Nicholson's and a flippant salute as he drove by uncaring of your plight...Number three...Hmm...Could be legit, but I'm going to call it out as bullshit! (you sure there was no deliverance-style action?) Lol
Bonus round:
That stick was totally thrown at you like a javelin, probably by Jack Nicholson too!
Everyone is certain of the mysterious javelin tosser in the woods. What if my neighbors kid is just a butt that thought it would be funny to give me his old shit stick. Or maybe i really do like to play pirate swashbuckler when nobodies looking. Maybe the north america yowie wanted me out of his woods and to his dismay the stick of doom missed its mark.
Funny you say deliverance. They filmed all the lake scenes about a 45 minute drive from my house. No shit theres a town near me called possum kingdom. Google it. Hillbillies are real.
Deliverance was a good movie...That track, duelling banjos...So good. Here's a little fact for ya...Faith plays the banjo. (Bet ya didn't know that!) True story. (She isn't a hillbilly though.)
I didnt know that about Faith! Didn't expect that. Does she make you watch deliverance and then go "oooh oooh this is my favourite part!" When the banjo scene comes on.
Man in the county that lake is in ive seen hillbillies at 9am on their porch in a dirty singlet drunk on moonshine petting their chicken and cradling their double barrel shotguns. Its no joke its like being in the movie.
She's the least hillbilliest person I reckon you could meet, but I have a picture of her with the banjo, dressed in a pair of cut-off denim overalls kind of channelling sexy hillbilly. More a Daisy Duke type though. Can't show it on the blockchain though. I'll see if I can convince her to let me take a banjo picture and I'll do a post.
It could be a fun post of her showing off her banjo skills. Maybe make a shirt video of her playing. No need to have her dress up. And from the photos I'd say Faith is waaay to classy to be a hillbilly.
I'll have a chat with her although it's unlikely she'll play on video, just like I won't play the piano on video for the interwebs. I'll convince her to do a photo though.
#classyhillbillychick Lol.
I used to work with a kid on one of my old irrigation crews that looked just like that kid in the video. Kinda scary because he'd always try and jump on the excavator and use it but he didn't know how. Broke more stuff then he installed right.
Yes, they got that look right in the movie didn't they? Good movie...I wonder what that kid-actor is doing these days.