I was only saying that last night as I have also been there a few times. Costly, but worth a look. I watched the changing of the guards at the palace one time which was really cool, but in truth it's all cool. I had one of the best spaghettis ever in Monaco and, of course, a martini at the Casino de Monte-Carlo...Lost 50E too. Dang it. lol.
I have a picture of the fountain with the big convex round mirror in it at Casino Square...I'll use it for reflection hunters someday. So much to do, so little time.
My visit was more of an auto tour just to briefly see the place and have lunch. Too crowded and ritzy for me! The bouillabaisse was memorable, even if the outdoor restaurant was packed with tourists.
I understand so much to do......
I've been fortunate enough to be there at all times of the day, morning, afternoon and night...It changes, the way it looks and the vibe. I'm not sure if I'll ever get back there, I'd say not I guess, but one never knows. It's something to see though right?
We stayed in Menton for a week and did day trips from there that included Monaco, before moving on to a week in the Dolomites. I was lucky enough to do several extended vacations in France but still feel like I didn't get to see nearly enough.
Several vacations in France is never enough. It's such a beautiful place. Bugger off covid, I want to travel again!
I want you to travel again so that I can live vicariously.
Seems like a perfectly combination...Now we just need covid-19 (read: governments) to play ball.