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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 55: The gift

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Hi mate, welcome to the topic this week!

I gift myself books almost weekly and certainly monthly! I love me a book bro so I think this is a great self-gift or for someone else also...If they love books of course.

I gifted myself three books last week, a trilogy called the Riftwar Saga. Not quite your literary classic type of book but but certainly a set of books, and author, I enjoy. (Raymond E. Feist.)

Anyway, books are a good gifts and amazing companions in my opinion. Good answer!



books are a good gifts and amazing companions in my opinion

I think the same! And even though I'm a film enthusiast to the boot, books take you slowly through their narrative and make you accustomed to them and their imagined world. You can ponder upon them longer than you can on a film. People often joke about the absence of the internet and electricity, I think I can pass my days quite happily without them if I have plenty of books.

I see that's a great practice you got there! Do you lend books to people? Would love to live near you lol! 😂

I have heard of Riftwar Saga a lot, as I like the fantasy genre quite a bit. This particular series has some reputation in that circle. Have you started them yet? Any good?

I first read the Riftwar Saga back in 1990 and loved it. Read it a couple times since then gave my books away. Bought new ones last week and am really enjoying re-reading. I am actually slowing myself down (am a fast reader) so I can enjoy it more.

There are so many spin-off books around it also! The Empire series co-written with Janny Wurts is where to start after the Riftwar Saga is completed. It actually runs parallel the the first three books ...Fills in so many blanks, but from a different perspective. There's many more too. So good!

I love movies, but I'm a reader at heart. Read Lord of the Rings trilogy at 9 years old and never stopped reading since.

I have so many books, hundreds and hundreds, many fantasy genre, loads of history and war and many others (fiction and non)...I'm loath to give them out, to lend them, but I do on occasions. I have some I'd not lend out though, my favourites like Count of Monte Cristo, one of most loved books.

This might sound funny, but I like looking at my books...Like they each bring memories of spending time with a cherished friend. A bit weird maybe, but I am sometimes. 🤓

Funny indeed but not weird at all, I perfectly understand the sentiment! Maybe many readers do. Also not wanting to lend books, lol. People can be quite inconsiderate and it hurts when they return the book all molested and tore up!
Man, even I as the owner wouldn't be so careless, how could they be?!
Not to mention many people don't return the book at all. Which is a whole other thing, even I did it a few times! Come to think of it, I read somewhere even Mark Twain had similar cases! 😂

I would like to read the original Riftwar trilogy then. They are not recent, not from 2010's— which actually excites me more.

Have you tried the Malazan Book of the Fallen series yet?

Magician, book one, was first published in 1982 prior to the genre really exploding...Well worth a read in my opinion.

I've had my books come back molested for sure; Annoyed me of course. I've also had books not returned so...Rarely lend them. Only special people get the privilege.

Steven Erikson books...I've not read them, always seems something else to get to. Worth buying you think?

Absolutely! The best fantasy tale I've ever read, IMO! And that is including the mighty Lord of the rings.

It is quite eloquently written (fantastic prose) and carefully avoiding the usual tropes. There are countless points of view and it is not a character-driven tale. Not a singular tale as well, as it encompasses many different millennia and imaginary continents. The narrative is aloof, somewhat detached. But the worldbuilding it has! Mindblowing!
The writer is an archaeologist and an anthropologist, he often made allegories to the actual historical events. It is also a massive series, 10 books, 11K pages strong. Since you're a fast reader, that might not be a problem though!

Steven Erikson first wanted to make a movie but the production company refused him and the co-author, saying its too ambitious.

You've sold me on it, I'll take a look.. And also based on what you say I feel you'll like the Feist books. Thanks for the tip, I'll head off to the book shop tomorrow. I'm old school and go there first before online shopping. Lol.

I hope you find them there. I hear they are hard to come by in many places.
I will surely check Riftwar first, then hopefully more of his books. Thanks for the introduction!

It means you are also a fan to novels. To me, I don't like reading books apart from solving mathematical problems. I think you should stay close to each other...

The Riftwar saga? Going to add this to my tbr list. I cannot pass on an interesting fantasy! ☺️

If you like the fantasy genre you'll not be disappointed I think.