I've never been to Turkey but have been told it's a nice place to visit. I'd like to see it for myself someday, go to some of the memorials and battlefields where my countrymen fought in world war one to pay my respects.
Thanks for joining in this week.
Oh that sounds great!
It's definitly worth to visit Istanbul. You can see a lot of historic buildings of different cultures. And the food here is amazing.
Hive heard about the mix of old and new architecture...And there was a hive user who used to show off all the great food. Not sure what happened to her.
Oh that's really nice. They have a lot of traditional food but also a lot of international food.
Those are Berliners. As a German I love them haha
Berliners are one of my favourite pastries too! I really love the vanilla custard filled ones but the strawberry filled ones are also great. A whole cabinet of Berliners! Yum!
I hate some with KitKat filling and topping! It was so great !

Oh no...Now I want that! 😍