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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 53: You in 20 words

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Damn this is a hard one then be aces it. Lol.

Good list bro, but I expected in it would be. Goofy, that's the best one. ✅

Seriously, all good man, balanced and suitably hands-on oriented. Nice work.

Tell me though, which are your top three most valued traits from this list and why? Yep, another had question. 😉


 4 years ago  

That was another hard one. Thinking is good to do for sure! Gets you to think on your toes with these, what I love about these topics man.

Top 3 I would have to say

We all need to be curious in life because it’s what keeps us from falling into a pit of laziness and vanilla that many live in. It’s their prerogative but I think you are more easily manipulated if you are in the same stuff all the time without being curious. Plus being curious leads one to explore new paths, learn things and gain confidence in oneself and abilities. I love being curious about things; taking apart, exploring, learning, refining. They are all things that I try to do constantly. I like to be well rounded with many things than sharp and precise with few.

Loving is an important trait to have for those of us around us that deserve it. This is important to have in order to keep oneself sane and with healthy relationships, be it lovers, friends or family. That doesn’t mean foolish though, burn the bridge and there’s no repairs in my opinion! Lol

Relaxed is one thing I try to be as often as I can. Lately it’s not working as well but Siena always poked fun at me that I was too relaxed and wasn’t built for the area we live in because I’m always slow, puttering and wandering around on my own time. It’s helped keep things sane and slow instead of fast and chaotic! I’ve not been able to be as relaxed of late but I’m trying to get back to that state of mind for sure.

With your 20, what’s your second most important one? Most important is okay but what’s the runner up?

OK, now I know you're a legit dudethat you think. You're honest with yourself and that is mirrored outwardly. A good role model for E-dog bro. Nice work. because of your answers here @cmplxty. I really like how you think man,

With your 20, what’s your second most important one? Most important is okay but what’s the runner up?

Hey, fuck you...I ask the questions around here bro. (Just kidding.)
Asking fucking hard questions now huh?

Ok, I'm going to answer with generous as my second most important one. On the surface this looks like I'm generous as in charitable but it goes much deeper than that for me in truth.

I am generous of myself; Giving. This means with time, understanding, patience, physically and emotionally. I give a lot to people deemed worthy, those I love for sure, and those I'm responsible for. I've been known to give at my own expense, to put myself at risk physically, emotionally and financially, for others and to me that feels right. I'm no saint though, not everyone will see my generosity, the person must be worthy, deserve that generosity for whatever reason.

Who do I mean? My loved ones for sure. The weak, those unable to stand alone, those being needlessly victimised by those stronger or more powerful. I'm not a huge fan of injustice mate and I can do bad things to balance things out. (This may not make sense to you - Over a beer I'll tell you about it.)

I'm also generous in the way that I will accept emotional pain and turmoil so that someone I love doesn't need to or to lessen their suffering. For those special people, so very few, there's not much of myself I would not give.

I'd rather leave it here if that's ok my bro, I think you get the idea.

 4 years ago  

Yeah for sure man I get you on that. We can only be generous to those deemed worthy when it takes that much effort, emotionally, physically or otherwise. If the folks aren’t worthy of it they won’t get to see the limits of the generosity. I like that! I used to bend over backwards for some of my good friends and they ended up taking advantage of that, particularly when it came time for me asking them for a little help nobody was around. I stopped bothering at that point but it’s unfortunate that people are so short sighted.

I try to be as good a role model for the little man as I can be. There are days that have challenges for sure but I’m trying to be the best person I can be for him. He deserves that at least! Some of the things like the curiosity and loving he goes above and beyond with so those are good signs for us that if we keep him on this path he should turn out alright.

He'll turn out ok I reckon mate, you'll see to it and give him the best start.