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RE: After the storm comes the calm. Sure?

in Weekend Experienceslast year

I'm sorry you've been feeling a little under the weather, (sick), but I guess feeling that way makes a person appreciate good health a little more, it does me anyway.

I've not done much this weekend really, I was thinking about doing a short post about it although there's not much of note to say I guess. Saturday I did chores at home and Saturday night watch some shows (Alias starring Jennifer Garner from back in the day) and today (Sunday) did a nice breakfast to start, got new tyres fitted to my town car and headed to IKEA to scope out a (potential) new dining table. Nothing too exciting I guess.

Anyway, thanks for your post and hopefully you're back to 100% soon.


GM, mate, or should I say good afternoon? You're always in the future 😅 .

There are times when I'm living in such a whirlwind that I forget to take care of myself, to take a breather, and then stuff like this happens. I don't fancy being sick, but it's a good wake-up call to look after myself better.

It was a pretty tough week, but thankfully I'm starting to come out of the allergy crisis, thanks for the well wishes.

How was the IKEA tour?

I'm gonna go read your post now, catch you there.

PS: Always is a pleasure to be around

It's already Monday here, 12:20am Monday morning...time I should be asleep.

It was a nice day (Sunday) relaxed and enjoyable.

I hope you have a good Sunday.