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RE: Goodness me.

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

To my credit, I am kind to geriatrics and animals, though not so much to children, the little blighters. I once surreptitiously pinched a child in a cafe who was screaming blue murder, just to give her something to scream about.

Much credit for this indeed, even if you do say so yourself.

So, I think you're good. I mean, you can fool some of the people all of the time and fool all of the people all of the time and some of the foolish are people and foolish people can be fooled, or not fooled, and sometimes the foolish can sometimes not be foolish but only appear to be foolish if they pretend to be fooled when in fact they are not fooled...sometimes. Anyway...fuck, I forgot my point now!

Oh hang on I know, I was thinking that I'm not're good...even if that means you're good at being bad.

Thanks for your post again this week, I always look forward to it.


Hahaha, or perhaps I'm just bad at being good! At any rate, thanks again for the enticing prompts.

 7 months ago (edited) 

Bad at being good and good at being bad. Don't two wrongs make a right?

You're welcome for the prompts, some curangel votes are coming your way. 😉

Thank you kindly. And at the risk of sounding obsequious, it's a good man who so concerns himself with others.

Why thank you kind lady, I am humbled.