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RE: Dead as a doornail.

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago

I don't fear death either, I think it's a senseless and unproductive feeling/thought to have. Instead, I focus on life which seems a much more relevant thing to be thinking about. I like knowing I'll die someday as it helps me live better now, plan for living better in the future, and will invariably mean my overall life is better. Like you, I don't want to die tomorrow, next week or next year but when I do I'll be gone and I'll not give a fuck because I'll be dead.

I guess one might say fearing not living a full life is a better thing to fear and it's sort of motivational, a reminder. That's what my quote (below my posts) is all about. Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default.

Anyway, thanks for joining in, when you do it makes me feel I got at least one topic right.


I don't fear death because I know I'll just be recycled back in to the video game:)

Your topics are always inspired and I don't know how you manage to keep them coming.
I try to join every week and indeed I start writing on Friday morning. But when Sunday at half past midnight comes and my post still wouldn't even entertain the cat, I tootle off to bed... defeated!

You reckon you'll respawn like a video game? If I knew that I'd have lived a little harder! Not really, lived hard enough as it is. Lol.

Thank you, I think up the topics all the time, email them to myself and then put them together in each post. It would probably make sense to leave only two topics in each but I like to give options rather than be a lazy bastard.

I wrote some today actually, weeks 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 and 231. I like to get a little bit ahead.

Hahaha, yer gas! I don't suppose you fancy giving me a little peek:)

I could...but that would ruin the surprise.

Surprises are overrated:)

Yes, I agree.

No peeks though. 🙈