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RE: Truth or Lies : WEEK 164

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Ok, I'm back to comment.

There are even people who smile at you from the front and stab us in the back. Hypocritical people who ask a lot of questions, but get offended if you tell them the truth. People with no loyalty and no respect.

I like this part...there are so many people like that, usually motivated by greed, jealousy, selfishness, hubris, lack of self-esteem and other such things.

I guess we have to decide how much to give these types of people, how much of our time, effort and emotion. I'm pretty good at simply drawing a line underneath a person and walking away, making it like they never's not always easy, but I'm good at it. Those you mention in your post as per my quote above are the types of people I do it with.


False people are like shadows that chase us when they see our light and leave us in the dark, that is why I am very careful with gossipers who speak ill of other people, they are bad people, false and hypocritical, today they are speaking ill of other people and tomorrow they will be speaking ill of us.

Yeah, that's often the way it goes.