Hey, you took passages of text directly out of the article in the link below. That's called plagiarism and I don't like it. You've disrespected me and the concept I have spent 135 weeks building by doing so, and I don't like that either.
It's rather disappointing, but, of course, how you present here on Hive, the actions you take, are your choice...as are the actions others take for themselves.
but I thought we were allowed to google some of the content for this week's engagement? or did I missunderstood the whole concept?
All content on Hive needs to be original, I even state that in my community rules.
You took entire passages of text, not just some content.
Please don't take me for a fool and indicate you didn't know, I am not a fool although foolishly took your work to be original...so maybe I am fool. I feel pretty disrespected right now, it's not a good feeling, but I'll move on.
I am sorry you feel this way, I meant no disrespect. Plagiarism needs to be dealt with appropriately, so I accept every bit of punishment that comes my way. Just know that it was a missjudgment from my side, I interpreted the particular topic rules differently, that's all.
I welcome your investigation in every content I made for your community as proof that this was a simple one-time mistake on my part. :)
It is best to make sure every post you do is 100% original. At no point will I condone plagiarism.
I don't vote on your posts when they contain only a few words, it's low effort and, in my opinion, seeks to take advantage of autovotes and those who get excited by a pair of boobs...Whilst I love boobs with a great passion, I don't feel that three words and a grainy picture is worthy of my vote.
Having said that, I supported this post because I saw effort...But I was clearly duped. It's disappointing to me because I was happy to see you'd injected some actual effort.
I'm really annoyed with you to be honest, but I appreciate you owning it though.
Anyway, I'll get over it.
I will more than make up for it in the next week's engagement - just you wait and see.
Sorry once again, I really didn't mean anything disrespectful towards you, your community or the appreciators. Hope there is no ill feelings or bad blood due to this one-off misbehaviour on my part. :)
Everyone deserves a chance, I can be a hard man, but I believe I'm fair. Time will tell if I have to drop the hammer on you once more, I hope not to have to, although will do so with alacrity should the need arise.
challenge accepted! 🤗
Holy shi., what happend here? 😂💋