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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Mind, body fiance/cat. Or is it the other way around?

Great answers indeed and as a total cat person I agree with that especially. I actually did a post a couple days ago listing some important things and Cleo featured there; my cat. Love her so much.

I really like this open and honest answer and am constantly amazed, after over four years on the platform, how amazing the community is.

Thanks for getting involved, your first time, and for your candid response. I hope you'll be back...And will come back to engage with some others also.


Cleo? Why do cats end up having cute names than humans? 🤣 Just kidding

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She's a cutie and her name is also I think. I named her Cleopatra but immediately I started calling her Cleo. She only gets Cleopatra when she's in trouble...But then again, I never get mad at her so, Cleo is it.


😂 I could relate very well to calling names longer when angry but it's cool you don't get mad at her at all.

She's so cute and seem very relaxed on the couch... Nice

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Her hand is extended because we were holding hands; she likes doing that - I do too.

Aww. I had a cat who used to hold my hand also! Louie came with the name Louie (long story). We could have renamed him, but he was 11, and we didn't think he needed any further upheaval.

My other cat -- my daughter named her Patagonia. I have always called her Nia (the end of Patagonia). I got Nia when she was a kitten. She is 11 now. Louie is 14.

This is Miss Nia on my messy bed. She is a little black and white tuxedo kitty. She has a lovely little soul. The other day, I was feeling anxious, and she sensed it and came to sit with me all day. Louie is lovely, but a bit more self-centred, which is perfectly acceptable.


Nia looks a lot like Merlin, the cat I lost last year. Had him for 22 years and miss him so much.

It's incredible how they can sense mood I think. Mine know just when to come over for a cuddle or just sit with their paw on me as if to say, it's ok, I'm here.

I just read that you said Merlin was 22. Wow. It's still very sad, but he was long-lived.

Aww. I'm sorry to hear you lost your kitty. I lost my best friend kitty Aslan in 2010, and I am still not over it. I am at peace with it, but I still miss him like crazy.

We adopted a 15 year old cat named Leo last year. He passed away halfway through the year, and we were very sad. We missed his fuzzy face and weird little ways a lot. However, it wasn't the same as when I lost Aslan.

I suppose we knew Leo didn't have a lot of time left. Still, we hoped it would be more than a year. Poor little guy.

I always feel like cats deserve a good home, even if they are older. Almost no one seems to want to adopt older cats because they are afraid of getting their heart broken. I know a cat is a guarantee I will get my heart broken, but I will also get and give much love in the interim. And, with any age cat, who knows how long they have? We just hope for the best.

Oh great, would love to hold hands with her someday 😃 I hope I'm welcomed

She's a good cuddler and hand holder. 😊

😂 Then I must say you're lucky to have a cat like Cleo... Not cleopatra cause I'm not angry at her 😊😃

omg that's so cute😍😅

She's a cutie. My little girl.