That's a decent failure and, as I'm sure you're aware, could have ended very badly indeed. You got off lightly I think.
I've always thought the EzyTrail products were good but have also heard a few words to the contrary; now here's some direct evidence...and only a year old? Not good.
When I bought my off-road rig the stipulation was Australian made and whilst I know I paid more for it I have had it since 2015 and it's served me well. I had a blowout last year in May when heading to Port Lincoln doing 120kph but got away with it with no damage, just the cost of a new tyre.
Failures like this can go very badly. Whilst this was inconvenient you came away safe, the Lux didn't turn over and your van careen into someone coming the other way. I'd say that's a win.
@emma-h have a look at this post, and check the account out...You might see something you like.
Thanks Galen, I will do so. Appreciate it.
Could have ended badly but we're both very thankful that we are okay and no one else was involved. I thought EzyFail was Oz but not so.
Yeah, you were very lucky indeed.
I know... pretty shaken but not hurt thankfully.