Yep, knucklehead. Definitely.
Story teller huh? Bad story teller. This could be funny. I know a guy who is also bad at telling stories...He always get's sidetracked and the stories tend to go for so long, and are very boring. Anyway, hopefully yours are better than that. Being down to earth is a good trait to have I think, as is being caring.
Please tell me, what, out of the list above, would you say you like about your personality the most, and why?
Hahaha! This guy sounds like me... I like to tell stories and try to make it fun. If brother is present when I'm telling it, he would be like -
That's when I know my stories are getting out of hand and I wrap it up! 😂😂 Cheeky guy!
Well, I enjoy being positive and empathic because it keeps me grounded. A lot of sad things are happening all around us, so I try to see the good side. Placing myself in other's shoe sort of helps me understand people better and help if I can.
A nice answer! It's nice to show some empathy especially in the current times were facing.
Also, I'd probably be like your brother and make the same face when your stories get out of control. 🙂