Enticing me with arepas huh? (It'll probably work).
Thanks for your kind words and the way you see me through my writing, although in a recent post I put an image of me so I guess you've seen my face now, hopefully it wasn't too much of a scare!
I try to represent myself as best I can but with honesty here on Hive. What I write, the words and thoughts behind them, are me although sometimes I hold back as I'm not sure some people would respond to some of the things I've had to do and the thoughts left behind from them. There's whole parts of my life I don't put here, or anywhere else, and that's how it should be I think. But largely, what you see (read) is what you get.
You mention the language thing, I guess that's an issue. I actually forget that many people I interact with don't speak English (the use of translators help one to forget) and I don't speak Spanish...although, I know how to say hola and arepa so that's something right?
Anyway, thanks for your entry. I'll vote it when my VP recharges a little as it's a bit low currently.
Hahaha 😁
That's a great start that you say hello and arepa.
Sure, I understand that, this medium doesn't allow you to show the whole of a person, you learn to know them on a day to day basis, sharing with them
I've eaten an arepa or two and would like to do so again.
I'll accept that as the compliment it is. Thank you.