Unfortunately you've not followed the rules and guidelines of this community and your post will be muted. You can find the community rules listed to the right of the community landing page here and I suggest you read the posting guide here prior to posting in this community again. If you have any questions you can reply to this comment and ask, I will be pleased to respond and further clarify the rules and guidelines I have set in this community I have created. Please ensure you read and understand the rules and posting guide prior to asking me any questions.

Good work telling the reason
Yeah, I think the comment I left makes it pretty clear.
Hello, I am ashamed for having broken the rules of this community, I did not notice them before posting, I sincerely apologize and I hope I have not created any kind of inconvenience, I have already read the regulations and I am aware, thank you very much for your attention and Sorry for the inconvenience.
No inconvenience and no need to feel ashamed, I was merely letting you know. My suggestion is that you read the community rules and the posting guide and have another go at posting when you feel like it. If you have any questions please let me know.
Any questions I will let you know, for the moment everything is clear.