Snark was the order of the day at work today; I'm amazed I didn't kill someone. It's not all bad, one must use snark when possible just so one's snark is on point for when one comes across a southerner.
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Always keep yer snark sharp!
I am amazed in work every day that I don't kill someone. There's a lot that need it
Snarking and killing, what better way to enjoy the work day.
Would make the week more pleasant!
Indeed. Long live killing and snarkiness in the workplace.
Huzzah for the office slaughter!
Have you ever read Market Forces by Richard Morgan? He can be a bit intense sometimes but I do think it funny his vision of future working. It's almost like it's coming true
I'm not familiar actually, now I'm curious. As for future most things in society, it's all going pear shaped...much like southerners are. Death to the future and southerners, and work colleagues and El Jefe.
One day there will be no El Jefe's, just the machine overlords!