It would be so difficult for me to select one word out of my own list! But you've done it quite well and I'd say it's a good choice. Helpful. It sounds very relevant to you. I think it's easy not to be helpful these days right? I mean being helpful requires some effort, not just physical effort but emotional as one must find the ability to want to be helpful before one can take the steps towards being helpful.
Cultured...Hmm, well I think some would say that of me, if they met me in real life. If one is, it shows I believe. I don't promote myself as such though, I just be me, and those who respond positively will see more than others.
Here on hive I tend to be a bit of a knucklehead, present myself as such...It's amusing for me. I am many things though, as you are, or anyone for that matter; Some good, some bad, depending on perspective. 😊
I definitely don't promote myself as cultured either. It just happened to be the only word I could think of to sum up some of my favorite activities. Can we squeeze F1 into the cultured category?
F1 watching is definitely cultured; It's beyond all doubt. (Provided snacks are involved of course.)