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RE: The Weekend is My Religion

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Awesome post!

At first I was thinking there's a lot of laying around in your ideal weekend and then I saw you taking aim with the bow and arrow (at some asshole trying to ruin your ideal weekend) and I'm like, ah ok, so there's some physical exercise also!

It's good to see Cam got a run on your ideal weekend because what's an ideal weekend without the ideal man. (You know you rock it Cam!).

This is a great example of what I was looking for with this little contest so thanks for taking the time.


Thanks for your kind feedback Galen!:)

Yes, a lot of laying around on the weekend, to balance all the hard running around during the week🤣 know, balance!:)

Glad my thoughts on the topic met your expectation😊

It looked like a pretty good ideal weekend and something tells me you've enjoyed many of them.

My ideal weekend was the photo of me drinking the beer by the pool, with maybe a bit of kayaking beforehand :)

...and cheesecake right?

Why did you have to do that? Now I got a craving for cheesecake!

Lol...Now I fucked myself over because I want some too!

@galenkp With archery; if I got the chance to choose my targets, then I'd improve 🤣...that way, I PROMISE, I would never miss!🤣

...and YES! I;ve enjoyed ALL of these activities:)

Lol, dangerous woman!

No, no! Me? I'm an ANGEL, full stop